[Haskell-cafe] Stream processors as arrows

Matthew Brecknell haskell at brecknell.org
Wed Jul 18 23:49:41 EDT 2007

Miguel Mitrofanov, on 9 July [1]:
> I'm trying to do Exercise 2.5.2 from John Hughes's "Programming with
> Arrows". [...]

Sorry for the delayed reply. I've only just started learning about arrow
programming, and since no-one else has replied to you, here is what I've
discovered so far...

I think there are some problems with your implementation of "first".
Here are some examples which don't behave the way I would expect:

> delaySP = foldr Out returnA
> skipSP n = if n > 0
>   then Inp (\_ -> skipSP (n-1))
>   else returnA

*Main> runSP (delaySP [-3,-2,-1] &&& returnA) [0..9]

I would expect 0 and 1 to be present in the sequence in the first

*Main> runSP (skipSP 2 &&& returnA) [0..9]

The second component seems to have been skipped as well as the first.

The "tricky point" referred to in the tutorial exercise [2] seems to be
that the two components running through first will inevitably get out of
sync, possibly by an arbitrary number of elements. My first attempt was
to use explicit queues:

> import Data.Sequence
> data SP a b = Get (a -> SP a b) | Put b (SP a b)
> instance Arrow SP where
>   arr f = Get $ \x -> Put (f x) (arr f)
>   Put y f >>> Get g = f >>> g y
>   Get f >>> Get g = Get (\x -> f x >>> Get g)
>   f >>> Put z g = Put z (f >>> g)
>   first = step empty empty where
>     -- Invariant: at least one of [qfst,qsnd] must be empty.
>     step qfst qsnd (Put y sp) = case viewl qsnd of
>       EmptyL -> Get $ \(x,z) -> Put (y,z) (step (qfst |> x) qsnd sp)
>       z :< zs -> Put (y,z) (step qfst zs sp)
>     step qfst qsnd (Get fsp) = case viewl qfst of
>       EmptyL -> Get $ \(x,z) -> step qfst (qsnd |> z) (fsp x)
>       x :< xs -> step xs qsnd (fsp x)
> instance ArrowChoice SP where
>   left (Get fsp) = Get $ either (left . fsp) (\z -> Put (Right z) (left $ Get fsp))
>   left (Put y sp) = Put (Left y) (left sp)

This produces something reasonably sensible for the examples above:

*Main> runSP (delaySP [-3,-2,-1] &&& returnA) [0..9]

*Main> runSP (skipSP 2 &&& returnA) [0..9]

However, if you think about it more closely, it is still not

*Main> runSP (Put 42 returnA) []
*Main> runSP (first (Put 42 returnA)) []

In the second case, I think the answer should really be [(42,_|_)].

A more severe problem is that because both runSP and the arrow
combinators pattern-match on the SP constructors, it is impossible to
use recursive arrow structures with this implementation of the SP arrow:

> factorial :: (Num a, ArrowChoice arr) => arr a a
> factorial = arr (choose (==0)) >>>
>   arr (const 1) ||| (returnA &&& (arr (flip (-) 1) >>> factorial) >>> arr (uncurry (*)))
> choose c x
>   | c x = Left x
>   | otherwise = Right x

*Main> factorial 4
*Main> runSP factorial [3,4]
*** Exception: stack overflow

Same goes for mapA given in the tutorial [2]. This problem also
prevented me from defining an instance of ArrowLoop.

So, I don't think explicit queues are the answer. I suspect one needs to
use the circular/lazy programming technique described in section 2.3 [2]
to implement the basic Arrow combinators, as well as ArrowLoop. With
some luck, that might solve both of the above problems.


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