[Haskell-cafe] Getting lambdabot to work with 6.6.1

Vincenz Syntactically syntactically.vincenz at gmail.com
Tue Jul 17 12:08:54 EDT 2007


After a suggestion from quicksilver, I decided to write this message.  To
get lambdabot working on 6.6.1 you need to:
1) ensure you have the regexp-base, regexp-compat and regexp-posix from
hackage installed
2) If you install them from user, make sure to add --user in the
build-script of lambdabot
3) Get hs-plugins from darcs
http://www.cse.unsw.edu.au/~dons/code/hs-plugins/, not from hackage (Lemmih
informed it's an issue with the .hi parser)
4) Fix Lib/Parser.hs and replace "> 606" with ">= 606" in the #if
GLASSGOW_HASKELL around the definition of "pling_name" and co
5) Remove the Maybe-definition of arbitrary in scripts/ShowQ.hs
6) Make sure to uncomment the runplugs section in lambdabot.cabal
7) ...
8) Profit

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