[Haskell-cafe] Re: hMapping polymorphic functions
oleg at pobox.com
oleg at pobox.com
Tue Jul 17 04:15:34 EDT 2007
hMapping polymorphic functions is indeed quite challenging, but can
be done. That was the topic of the message
Type-class overloaded functions: second-order typeclass programming
with backtracking
The challenge is how to avoid specifying the context too early or at
all and keep the context to the bare minimum.
Your particular case is simple however: applying the function
(\x->[x]) that applies literally to any argument type and is defined
only by one case:
> data FnListify = FnListify
> instance TypeCast [a] r => Apply FnListify a r where
> apply _ x = typeCast [x]
> list1 = 'a' :*: "a" :*: True :*: HNil
> test1 = hMap FnListify list1
*Poly2> test1
"a" :*: (["a"] :*: ([True] :*: HNil))
Within the Poly2 framework, the example becomes
> data FnListify = FnListify
> instance TypeCast Otherwise r => GFN n FnListify a r
> instance TypeCast [a] r => Apply (GFnA n FnListify) a r where
> apply _ x = typeCast [x]
> instance TypeCast [a] r => Apply FnListify a r where
> apply _ x = typeCast [x]
> test2 = hMap (GFn FnListify) list1
*Poly2> test2
"a" :*: (["a"] :*: ([True] :*: HNil))
The advantage of making things more complicated than they are is that
we can add more clauses to our generic function. For example, we may
choose to handle Booleans in a different way, by negating them.
We add (perhaps in a different module, so the original code remains as
it was)
> data OnlyBool
> instance TypeCast OnlyBool r => GFN Z FnListify a r
> instance Apply OnlyBool Bool HTrue
> instance TypeCast HFalse r => Apply OnlyBool a r
> instance Apply (GFnA Z FnListify) Bool Bool where
> apply _ x = not x
and now,
*Poly2> test2
"a" :*: (["a"] :*: (False :*: HNil))
P.S. It may be worth sending me a carbon copy (CC) of any question
relating to HList, OOHaskell, continuations, etc. I can no longer
afford reading every message on Haskell-Cafe (or even every tenth
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