[Haskell-cafe] Re: Clearly, Haskell is ill-founded

Stefan Holdermans stefan at cs.uu.nl
Mon Jul 16 14:33:46 EDT 2007

Conor's exercise:

> To that end, an exercise. Implement a codata type
> data{-codata-} Mux x y = ...
> which intersperses x's and y's in such a way that
>   (1) an initial segment of a Mux does not determine whether the next
>     element is an x or a y (ie, no forced *pattern* of alternation)
>   (2) there are productive coprograms
>         demuxL :: Mux x y -> Stream x
>         demuxR :: Mux x y -> Stream y
>     (ie, alternation is none the less forced)
> You may need to introduce some (inductive) data to achieve this. If  
> you
> always think "always", then you need codata, but if you eventually  
> think
> "eventually", you need data.

I came up with:

   data Stream a = ConsS a (Stream a)             -- CODATA
   data Mux a b  = Mux (L a b) (R a b) (Mux a b)  -- CODATA

   data L a b = LL a | LR b (L a b)
   data R a b = RL a (R a b) | RR b

   lastL          :: L a b -> a
   lastL (LL x)   =  x
   lastL (LR y l) =  lastL l

   initL          :: L a b -> Stream b -> Stream b
   initL (LL x)   =  id
   initL (LR y l) =  ConsS y . initL l

   lastR          :: R a b -> b
   lastR (RL x r) =  lastR r
   lastR (RR y)   =  y

   initR          :: R a b -> Stream a -> Stream a
   initR (RL x r) =  ConsS x . initR r
   initR (RR y)   =  id

   demuxL             :: Mux a b -> Stream a
   demuxL (Mux l r m) =  ConsS (lastL l) (initR r (demuxL m))

   demuxR             :: Mux a b -> Stream b
   demuxR (Mux l r m) =  initL l (ConsS (lastR r) (demuxR m))



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