[Haskell-cafe] In-place modification

Hugh Perkins hughperkins at gmail.com
Sun Jul 15 07:36:24 EDT 2007

Hey, I just realized I can shave off another 30% in C# ;-)

So now the timings become:

Safe Haskell

J:\dev\haskell>ghc -O2 -o primechaddai.exe PrimeChaddai.hs

number of primes: 664579
Elapsed time: 26.234

Unsafe Haskell

J:\dev\haskell>ghc -fglasgow-exts -O2 -o PrimeDonald2.exe PrimeDonald2.hs

number of primes: 664579
Elapsed time: 0.7030000000000001


J:\dev\test\testperf>erase primecs.exe & gmcs primecs.cs

J:\dev\test\testperf>mono primecs.exe
number of primes: 664579
elapsed time: 0,453


J:\dev\test\testperf>erase primecs.exe & csc /nologo primecs.cs

number of primes: 664579
elapsed time: 0,421875

Here's the fabulously complicated ;-) new C# algorithm:

    public int  CalculateNumberOfPrimes( int maxprime )
    bool[]IsNotPrime = new bool[ maxprime ];
        int NumberOfPrimes = 1;

        int squarecutoff = (Int32)Math.Sqrt( maxprime ) + 1;
        for( int i = 3; i < maxprime; i+= 2 )
            if( !IsNotPrime [i] )
                if( i < squarecutoff )
                for( int j = ( i << 1 ); j < maxprime; j+= i )
            if( !IsNotPrime [j] )
                        IsNotPrime [ j] = true;

        return NumberOfPrimes;

(basically, we only cross off primes up to the square root of the size of
the grid.  I think this is a standard part of the standard Arostophenes grid
algorithm, so like I say the C# version is seriously unoptimized ;-) )
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