[Haskell-cafe] CGI test

Andrew Coppin andrewcoppin at btinternet.com
Thu Jul 12 13:59:41 EDT 2007

Hugh Perkins wrote:
> Here you go:
> module SimpleCgiServer
>    where
> import IO
> import Char
> import Network
> import Control.Monad
> import System.Process
> listensocket = 2000
> main = withSocketsDo $ do socket <- listenOn (PortNumber listensocket)
>                           mapM_ (\_ -> handleconnection socket) 
> (iterate (id) ())
>                           sClose socket
> handleconnection socket = do (handle,hostname,portnumber) <- accept socket
>                              putStrLn (show(hostname) ++ " " ++ 
> show(portnumber))
>                              hSetBuffering handle LineBuffering
>                              line <- hGetLine handle
>                              let filename = drop( length("GET /") ) line
>                              htmltoreturn <- runprocess filename
>                              hPutStr handle htmltoreturn
> runprocess filename = do (stdin,stdout,stderr,processhandle) <- 
> runInteractiveCommand filename
>                          waitForProcess processhandle
>                          contents <- hGetContents stdout
>                          return contents

Thanks for trying - but that doesn't actually work. (For starters, you 
need to prepend the HTTP status code to the data from the CGI script...)

Actually, as it turns out, the script I want to test needs to accept 
POST data, and the parsing is really quite complicated, and I want it to 
not crash out if I type the URL wrong, and...

Basically, the more I look at this, the more I realise that it really 
truely *is* going to be faster to just use a real web server. I thought 
I could just implement a tiny subset of it to get a working system, but 
it turns out the subset I need isn't so tiny...

Sorry guys.

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