[Haskell-cafe] Floating phi, round and even Fibonnaci numbers

Robert Daniel Emerson Robert.Emerson at net-tribe.com
Thu Jul 12 10:50:42 EDT 2007


You are welcome. Are you talking about http://projecteuler.net/ ? I have been 
experimenting with various ways of learning Haskell, tackling an interesting 
set of mathematical problems sounds good.

Best Regards,

On Thursday 12 July 2007 00:06, Brian L. Troutwine wrote:
> Hello Robert,
> Thanks for the comments. The lazy list with Double phi embedded does indeed
> begin to deviate, at the 81st Fibonacci number, if I'm not mistaken.
> Another fellow in this thread calculated the deviation points for Double,
> Float and CReal.
> By way of further explanation, I'm writing up various approaches and
> solutions to the problems posed at Project Euler, discussing the various
> defects to each approach, comparing the runtimes of solutions and,
> hopefully, deriving interesting tidbits of math along the way. The project
> was begun to improve my Haskell ability by exercising it in as many ways on
> a single idea as possible. I'd not thought of the algorithm you pointed out
> in SICP and will now happily include it. Thanks.
> Brian

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