[Haskell-cafe] In-place modification

Brandon S. Allbery KF8NH allbery at ece.cmu.edu
Wed Jul 11 14:11:33 EDT 2007

On Jul 11, 2007, at 13:37 , Andrew Coppin wrote:

> (Windoze-only, you say? Perhaps I misunderstood - I thought this is  
> what Mono is all about...)

As someone else pointed out earlier, the real power is the libraries,  
which provide a complete and powerful GUI environment.  Mono provides  
the VM and C# but duplicating the libraries is a much bigger and  
harder job.

brandon s. allbery [solaris,freebsd,perl,pugs,haskell] allbery at kf8nh.com
system administrator [openafs,heimdal,too many hats] allbery at ece.cmu.edu
electrical and computer engineering, carnegie mellon university    KF8NH

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