[Haskell-cafe] Data.ByteString.dropWhile

Donald Bruce Stewart dons at cse.unsw.edu.au
Tue Jul 10 02:24:10 EDT 2007

> So the following isn't as clever as the line-noise Don posted, but
> should be in the ball-park.

Low level loops are irksome, but guaranteed to be quick :P

> dropFromEnds p = dropWhile p . dropWhileEnd p
> dropWhileEnd p bs = take (findFromEndUntil (not p) bs) bs
> takeWhileEnd p bs = drop (findFromEndUntil p bs) bs
> {- findFromEndUntil is in ByteString.hs, but is not exported -}

Yep, looks reasonable. With a bit of inlining (check the core) and you'll get
the same code anyway. Always good to roll a QuickCheck or two for this
kind of stuff, since off-by-one errors are rather easy.

This should get you into a testable state:

    import qualified Data.ByteString      as S
    import Test.QuickCheck.Batch
    import Test.QuickCheck
    import Text.Show.Functions
    import System.Random

    instance Arbitrary Word8 where
        arbitrary = choose (97, 105)
        coarbitrary c = variant (fromIntegral ((fromIntegral c) `rem` 4))

    instance Random Word8 where
      randomR = integralRandomR
      random = randomR (minBound,maxBound)

    integralRandomR :: (Integral a, RandomGen g) => (a,a) -> g -> (a,g)
    integralRandomR  (a,b) g = case randomR (fromIntegral a :: Integer,
                                             fromIntegral b :: Integer) g of
                                (x,g) -> (fromIntegral x, g)

    -- define a model in [Word8]
    tidy_model f = reverse . dropWhile f . reverse . dropWhile f

    -- and check it
    prop_tidy_ok f xs = tidy_model f xs == (S.unpack . tidy f . S.pack) xs

-- Don

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