[Haskell-cafe] Two-continuation `monads' and MonadMinus [Re:
Parsers are monadic?]
David Menendez
zednenem at psualum.com
Fri Jul 6 16:14:37 EDT 2007
oleg at pobox.com writes:
> Called MonadMinus, it is capable of defining LogicT monad with the
> true logical negation as well as interleaving and committed choice.
> Our ICFP05 paper describes MonadMinus monad (actually, the
> transformer) and LogicT as well as their two implementations.
I just noticed that the Haskell wiki[1] claims that Data.Foldable
generalizes MonadMinus (aka MonadSplit).
[1] <http://www.haskell.org/haskellwiki/New_monads>
It's true that you can define msplit in terms of foldr, e.g.:
msplit :: (Foldable m, MonadPlus m) => m a -> m (Maybe (a, m a))
msplit a = foldr sk (return Nothing) a
where sk a m = return (Just (a, reflect m))
reflect :: MonadPlus m => m (Maybe (a, m a)) -> m a
reflect m = m >>= maybe mzero (\(a,m') -> return a `mplus` m')
But I can't help but feel that something is being lost.
I was initially skeptical about defining Foldable for the direct-style
LogicT transformer, but now I suspect that it is definable.
David Menendez <zednenem at psualum.com> | "In this house, we obey the laws
<http://www.eyrie.org/~zednenem> | of thermodynamics!"
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