[Haskell-cafe] Is Excel the most used -- and fucntional -- programming lanuage on Earth?

Fritz Ruehr fruehr at willamette.edu
Wed Jan 31 16:11:03 EST 2007

I think Pivotal (<http://www.cs.kent.ac.uk/projects/pivotal/>) has  
the "live update" behavior of spreadsheets.

I haven't played with it yet, but I saw Keith Hanna show off his  
earlier Vital system; it even updates "backwards" in some sense; see  
the "Direct manipulation" section at his site (<http:// 

Finally, it also does some nice things with graphics, a la Conal's  
Pan (and now Eros), probably could do Jerzy/Clastic-type stuff, too.

   --  Fritz

On Jan 31, 2007, at 4:06 AM, Bjorn Lisper wrote:

>> But...suppose we had a spreadsheet a little like Haskell where each
>> cell has a static type, and the values can be Haskell functions. What
>> interesting things could we do with it that we couldn't do with  
>> Excel?
> I had a MSc student doing something in this direction some years  
> ago. He
> made a Haskell interface which was intended to work like a  
> spreadsheet. In
> this interface, every declaration has a value window (if the entity  
> declared
> has a showable type) and a declaration window. A designated button  
> triggers
> a recompilation, and thus also a recalculation of all declared  
> values -
> this, I think, captures the essence of spreadsheets which is to be  
> able to
> make changes and quickly see the results. In order to support the  
> kind of
> array omputations often done in spreadsheets, an extended array  
> module was
> defined which declares a number of array functions and other  
> conveniences.
> See http://www.mrtc.mdh.se/index.php?choice=projects&id=0041.

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