[Haskell-cafe] Re: DevRandom
Yitzchak Gale
gale at sefer.org
Wed Jan 31 04:55:30 EST 2007
Bryan Donlan wrote:
> This re-opens the device every time we need it.
> How about opening once, when it's first needed?
Good idea.
> hDevRandom :: Handle
> {-# NOINLINE hDevRandom #-}
> hDevRandom = unsafePerformIO $ openFile "/dev/random" ReadMode
> hDevURandom :: Handle
> {-# NOINLINE hDevURandom #-}
> hDevURandom = unsafePerformIO $ openFile "/dev/urandom" ReadMode
The NOINLINE guarantees that openFile is called only
once. But does it guarantee that openFile is NOT called
if we do not need it? We could check what the compilers
actually do, but I am not sure we have a guarantee here.
Perhaps we should do something like
data Dev = Dev String (IORef (Maybe Handle))
getDevHandle :: Dev -> IO Handle
getDevHandle (Dev path ref) = readIORef ref >>= maybe openDev return
openDev = do
h <- openFile path ReadMode
writeIORef ref h
return h
hDevRandom :: Dev
{-# NOINLINE hDevRandom #-}
hDevRandom = Dev "/dev/random" $ unsafePerformIO $ newIORef Nothing
hDevURandom :: Dev
{-# NOINLINE hDevURandom #-}
hDevURandom = Dev "/dev/urandom" $ unsafePerformIO $ newIORef Nothing
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