[Haskell-cafe] Re: Paths to tree
John Ky
newhoggy at gmail.com
Tue Jan 30 07:18:02 EST 2007
Hi apfelmus,
Your code is fine, I like it. A minor hint is that mergeForest is a fold:
> mergeForest = foldr merge []
> Also, we have
> prettyPrint = putStr . unlines . prettyPrint' $ forest
Nice help on the simple things.
I can't know, but it doesn't seem unreasonable that you intend to use
> the ArcForest as a trie, i.e. an efficient implementation of a set of
> paths which allows to look up quickly whether a given path (here of type
> [String]) is in the set or not. So, we have
For a while, I was thinking what on Earth are you talking about, even while
I continued reading the rest of the email, but it eventually clicked what
you where trying to show me - which was something I didn't dare try until I
got more familiar with Haskell.
You're examples got me started on dealing with these sorts of complex tree
structures (or tries as you call them). They made more sense as I spent
more time reading and rereading them.
Now, we can build up our finite map for paths:
> data MapPath v = TriePath (Maybe v) (MapString (MapPath v))
> because it (maybe) contains a value for the key '[] :: Path' and it
> (maybe) contains a map of paths that is organized by their first String
> element.
In my own code I had to diverge from your definition because for my needs,
every node needed to contain a value (even if it was a default value). I
plan to later add other numerical values to every node so that I can
traverse them and do calculations that feed up and trickle down the tree.
Now what about 'MapString v', how do we get this? Well, your
> implementation corresponds to the choice
> type MapString v = [(String,v)]
> But in our case, we can apply the same trick again! We have 'String =
> [Char]' and given an implementation of
> data MapChar v = ...
> we can use exactly the same code from 'MapPath v' to implement
> 'MapString v'! (This reuse can be abstracted into a type class, but I'll
> not cover that here.) Of course, we need 'MapChar v' now. But yet, again
> we can think of Char as
> Char ^= Int ^= [Bool]
> where the '[Bool]' means the list of digits in binary representation.
> So, given 'MapBool v', we can implement 'MapChar v' with yet again the
> same code that we used for the preceding finite maps! Fortunately, the
> recursion ends here because a finite map for 'Bool'eans is just the pair
> type MapBool v = (Maybe v, Maybe v)
That's quite beautiful, but I don't actually need to go that far. Question
though, does taking the approach to this conclusion actually have real
In case your head does not yet hurt too much :), further information
> about tries in Haskell and a detailed explanation of why the code above
> works, can be found in.
I did try to write my own insertWithInit called by fromPath (below), which I
couldn't get working. Branches went missing from the result. I had so much
trouble figuring where in the function I forgot to do something.
At this point my head was about to explode, so I took a different approach
using union called by fromList' (also below), which from my limited testing
appears to work. I also find the union function incredibly easy to
understand. I only hope I got it right.
Thanks much,
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Data.Map (Map)
type Path k = [k]
data Trie k v = Trie v (Map k (Trie k v)) deriving Show
singleton :: v -> Trie k v
singleton v = Trie v Map.empty
insertWithInit :: (Ord k) =>
v -> (v -> v -> v) -> Path k -> v -> Trie k v -> Trie k v
insertWithInit _ fInsert [] v (Trie v' m) =
Trie (fInsert v v') m
insertWithInit fInit fInsert (x:xs) v (Trie v' m) =
Trie v' (Map.insertWith merge x subTrie m)
subTrie = insertWithInit fInit fInsert xs v (singleton fInit)
merge = seq
-- Left biased union
union :: (Ord k) => Trie k v -> Trie k v -> Trie k v
union (Trie k0 v0) (Trie k1 v1) = Trie k0 v
v = Map.unionWith union v0 v1
fromPath :: (Ord k) => v -> v -> Path k -> Trie k v
fromPath initV v path = foldr addParent (singleton v) path
addParent step child = Trie initV (Map.fromList [(step, child)])
fromList :: [Path String] -> Trie String ()
fromList paths = foldl f (singleton ()) paths
f :: Trie String () -> Path String -> Trie String ()
f trie path = insertWithInit () (\x y -> ()) path () trie
fromList' :: [Path String] -> Trie String ()
fromList' paths = foldl f (singleton ()) paths
f :: Trie String () -> Path String -> Trie String ()
f trie path = union trie (fromPath () () path)
prettyPrint :: Trie String () -> IO ()
prettyPrint trie = putStrLn $ unlines $ prettyPrint' trie
prettyPrint' (Trie v m) = Map.foldWithKey f [] m
f k a out = out ++ [k] ++ (map (" " ++) (prettyPrint' a))
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