[Haskell-cafe] Channel9 Interview: Software Composability and the Future of Languages

Chris Kuklewicz haskell at list.mightyreason.com
Sat Jan 27 11:09:25 EST 2007

Jacques Carette wrote:
> Tim Newsham wrote:
>>  I have to write:
>>   > do {
>>   >    x <- getSomeNum
>>   >    y <- anotherWayToGetANum
>>   >    return (x + y)
>>   > }
>> even if the computation of x and y are completely independant of
>> each other.
> I too have really missed a "parallel composition" operator to do
> something like the above.  Something like
> do {
>    { x <- getSomeNum || y <- anotherWayToGetANum}
>    return (x+y)
> }
> Actually, that syntax is rather hideous.  What I would _really_ like to
> write is
> do {
>    (x,y) <- getSomeNum || anotherWayToGetANum
>    return (x+y)
> }
> I would be happy to tell Haskell explicitly that my computations are
> independent (like the above), to expose parallelization opportunities. 
> Right now, not only can I NOT do that, I am forced to do the exact
> opposite, and FORCE sequentiality.
> Jacques

What is wanted is a specific relation of the ordering required by the Monad's
structure.  For pure computation Control.Parallel.Strategies may be helpful.  If
what was wanted was to keep sequencing but lose binding then the new
Control.Applicative would be useful.

It almost looks like we want your pair combinator:

do { (x,y) <- parallelPair getSomeNum anotherWayToGetANum
     return (x+y)

This is principled only in a Monad that can supply the same "RealWorld" to both
operations passed to parallelPair.  After they execute, this same "RealWold" is
the context for the "return (x+y)" statement.

This ability to run three computations from the same "RealWorld" seems (nearly)
identical to backtracking in a nondeterministic monad, which is usually exposed
by a MonadPlus instance.

The use of pairs looks alot like the arrow notation.  And
parallelPair a b = a &&& b
looks right for arrows.  And since monads are all arrows this works, but Kleisli
implies ordering like liftM2.

For a specific Monads you can write instances of a new class which approximate
the semantics you want.

> import Control.Arrow
> import Data.Char
> import Control.Monad
> import Control.Monad.State
> import System.IO.Unsafe
> type M = State Int
> main = print $ runState goPar 65 -- should be ((65,'A'),65)
> opA :: (MonadState Int m) => m Int
> opA = do i <- get
>          put (10+i)
>          return i
> opB :: (MonadState Int m) => m Char
> opB = do i <- get
>          put (5+i)
>          return (chr i)
> goPar :: State Int (Int,Char)
> goPar = opA `parallelPair` opB
> class (Monad m) => MonadPar m where
>   parallelPair :: m a -> m b -> m (a,b)
> instance MonadPar (State s) where
>   parallelPair a b = do s <- get
>                         let a' = evalState a s
>                             b' = evalState b s
>                         return (a',b')
> -- No obvious way to run the inner monad (without more machinery),
> -- so we have to resort to ordering
> instance (Monad m) => MonadPar (StateT s m) where
>   parallelPair a b = do s <- get
>                         a' <- lift $ evalStateT a s
>                         b' <- lift $ evalStateT b s
>                         return (a',b')
> -- Reader and Writer work like State
> -- Use unsafeInterleaveIO to make a and b lazy and unordered...
> instance MonadPar IO where
>   parallelPair a b = do a' <- unsafeInterleaveIO a
>                         b' <- unsafeInterleaveIO b
>                         return (a',b')
> k :: State Int b -> Kleisli (State Int) a b
> k op = Kleisli (const op)
> runK :: Kleisli (State Int) a a1 -> (a1, Int)
> runK kop = runState (runKleisli kop undefined) 65
> go :: State Int a -> (a,Int)
> go op = runK (k op)
> kab :: Kleisli (State Int) a (Int, Char)
> --kab = k opA &&& k opB
> kab = proc x -> do
>         a <- k opA -< x
>         b <- k opB -< x
>         returnA -< (a,b)

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