[Haskell-cafe] No Derived Read for Unboxed Arrays
Matthew Bromberg
mattcbro at earthlink.net
Thu Jan 25 16:05:00 EST 2007
I was trying to convert some code from ordinary boxed array to unboxed
arrays for performance reasons.
Presumably the conversion, according to the GHC documentation should
only involve appropriate type signatures
(e.g. using UArray instead of Array) and importing Data.Array.Unboxed.
However my code ultimately failed because
I load a large array saved as a text file using the derived Read, Show
mechanism. For some reason there is no Read function
for unboxed arrays. Here is a little GHCI session showing the problem:
Prelude> :m Data.Array.Unboxed
Prelude Data.Array.Unboxed> let e = listArray (0,3) [0 .. 3] :: UArray
Int Int
Prelude Data.Array.Unboxed> let se = show e
Prelude Data.Array.Unboxed> se
"array (0,3) [(0,0),(1,1),(2,2),(3,3)]"
Prelude Data.Array.Unboxed> let e2 = read se :: UArray Int Int
No instance for (Read (UArray Int Int))
arising from use of `read' at <interactive>:1:9-15
Possible fix:
add an instance declaration for (Read (UArray Int Int))
In the expression: read se
In the expression: read se :: UArray Int Int
In the definition of `e2': e2 = read se :: UArray Int Int
However if I try to read it in as boxed arrays, no problem:
Prelude Data.Array.Unboxed> let e2 = read se :: Array Int Int
Prelude Data.Array.Unboxed> e2
array (0,3) [(0,0),(1,1),(2,2),(3,3)]
Is there a reason why this doesn't work? Is it a design choice or does
it merely reflect the fact that no one has gotten around to writing a
read function for unboxed arrays. I imagine it would be trivial to fix
this however.
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