[Haskell-cafe] Re: [Haskell] [Fwd: Re: Computer Language Shootout]

Donald Bruce Stewart dons at cse.unsw.edu.au
Thu Jan 25 04:14:09 EST 2007

> Forwarding on behalf of Andrzej Jaworski <himself at poczta.nom.pl>:
> -------- Original Message --------
> From: Andrzej Jaworski <himself at poczta.nom.pl>
> Dear fellows,
> It is ironic that just after SPJ disclosed Comments from Brent Fulgham on
> Haskell and the shootout the situation has radically changed for the worse.
> Without knowing that I committed a blunder referring to the damn benchmark
> http://shootout.alioth.debian.org/gp4/benchmark.php?test=all&lang=all
> together with multicore support arguments when trying to convert a prominent
> OCaml programmer to Haskell. Now they know more of us:-)
> What a language it is that jumps 30% up and down on benchmark while other
> languages gracefully stay in line? Can any of you explain the reason for
> this disgraceful degradation in Computer Language Shootout?

The degradation is due to two things:

    * several entries have been disqualified (some fairly, some unfairly)
       Fix: fix is to submit more

    * the shootout haskellers stopped submitting once it was clear we'd
      need bytestrings to do signifcantly better.

       Fix: bytestring is now on the shootout machine, so we can resume

I don't think there is any fundamental issue exposed, other than that we
stopped updating entries, while other languages decided they should try

If people want to contribute, improve (or write) ByteString based
versions for the slow running String programs, upload them to the wiki,
and to the shootout page, 

For things that have been disqualified, correct the errors, and

-- Don

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