[Haskell-cafe] basic field questions

jamin1001 jamin1001 at yahoo.com
Wed Jan 24 10:31:17 EST 2007

This is what I mean by "machinery":

-- CASE 1

data Furniture = Furniture { pos, color :: Int } 
data Chair = Chair Furniture 
data Table = Table Furniture 

data Wooden = Wooden { grain :: Int }
data WoodenFurniture = WoodenFurniture Wooden Furniture
data WoodenTable = WoodenTable Wooden Table

class GetFurniture a where
   getFurniture :: a -> Furniture

instance GetFurniture Chair where
   getFurniture (Chair f) = f

instance GetFurniture Table where
   getFurniture (Table f) = f

instance GetFurniture WoodenFurniture where
   getFurniture (WoodenFurniture _ f) = f
instance GetFurniture WoodenTable where
   getFurniture (WoodenTable _ (Table f)) = f

class GetWooden a where
   getWooden :: a -> Wooden
instance GetWooden WoodenFurniture where
   getWooden (WoodenFurniture w _) = w
instance GetWooden WoodenTable where
   getWooden (WoodenTable w _) = w

-- CASE 2   

data Chair = Chair Int Int 
data Table = Table Int Int 

class Furniture a where 
   pos :: a -> Int 
   color :: a -> Int 

instance Furniture Chair where 
   pos (Chair x _) = x 
   color (Chair _ c) = c 

instance Furniture Table where 
   pos (Table x _) = x 
   color (Table _ c) = c 

data WoodenFurniture = WoodenFurniture Int Int Int -- pos, color, grain
data WoodenTable = WoodenTable Int Int Int -- pos, color, grain

class Wooden a where
   grain :: a -> Int

instance Wooden WoodenFurniture where
   grain (WoodenFurniture _ _ g) = g

instance Furniture WoodenFurniture where
   pos (WoodenFurniture x _ _) = x 
   color (WoodenFurniture _ c _) = c

instance Wooden WoodenTable where
   grain (WoodenTable _ _ g) = g
instance Furniture WoodenTable where
   pos (WoodenTable x _ _) = x 
   color (WoodenTable _ c _) = c

-- CASE 3

data FurnitureProp = FurnitureProp Int Int
data Chair = Chair FurnitureProp 
data Table = Table FurnitureProp 

class Furniture a where 
   pos :: a -> Int 
   color :: a -> Int 

instance Furniture Chair where 
   pos (Chair (FurnitureProp x _)) = x 
   color (Chair (FurnitureProp _ c)) = c 

instance Furniture Table where 
   pos (Table (FurnitureProp x _)) = x 
   color (Table (FurnitureProp  _ c)) = c 

data WoodenProp = WoodenProp Int
data WoodenFurniture = WoodenFurniture FurnitureProp WoodenProp
data WoodenTable = WoodenTable Table WoodenProp

class Wooden a where
   grain :: a -> Int

instance Wooden WoodenFurniture where
   grain (WoodenFurniture _ (WoodenProp g)) = g

instance Furniture WoodenFurniture where
   pos (WoodenFurniture (FurnitureProp x _) _) = x 
   color (WoodenFurniture (FurnitureProp _ c) _) = c

instance Wooden WoodenTable where
   grain (WoodenTable _ (WoodenProp g)) = g

instance Furniture WoodenTable where
   pos (WoodenTable (Table (FurnitureProp x _)) _) = x 
   color (WoodenTable (Table (FurnitureProp _ c)) _) = c

jamin1001 wrote:
> Thanks, that's much clearer now.
> Following this further, it seems that this could get monotonous/verbose if
> you have more than a handful of classes.  I looked into "deriving" but it
> seems that is only useful for a set of builtin Haskell types (Eq, Ord,
> Show, etc.).
> Is Template Haskell the answer to automating some of this machinery?
> -Jamin
> Ketil Malde-2 wrote:
>> jamin1001 wrote:
>>> What if I want to do something like 
>>> data Chair = Chair {pos:: Int, color :: Int} 
>>> data Table = Table {pos:: Int, color :: Int} 
>> data Properties = Props { pos, color :: Int }
>> data Chair = Chair Props
>> data Table = Table Props
>> or:
>> data Chair = Chair Int Int
>> data Table = Table Int Int
>> class Furniture a where
>>    pos :: a -> Int
>>    color :: a -> Int
>> instance Furniture Chair where
>>    pos (Chair x _) = x
>>    color (Chair _ c) = c
>> instance Furniture Table where ...
>>> Also, could someone tell me why this doesn't compile in GHC:
>>> data Test = A {a::Int} | B {a::Int, b::Int}
>>> data Test2 = C {c::A}
>>> (Test2 line): Not in scope: type constructor or class 'A'
>> A is a data constructor, and not a type.  Try:
>>    data Test2 = C { c :: Test }
>>> Is there a way to qualify identical field names?  What are some standard
>>> practices for dealing with this?
>> The record system is somewhat wartish, and there have been
>> several proposals to remedy it.  I'm not sure if any consensus
>> has emerged yet.
>> -k
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