[Haskell-cafe] UDP client/server

Gregory Wright gwright at comcast.net
Thu Jan 11 10:42:55 EST 2007

Hi John,

On Jan 11, 2007, at 10:35 AM, Gregory Wright wrote:

> Hi John,
> On Jan 11, 2007, at 1:58 AM, John Ky wrote:
>> Hello,
>> Does anyone know where I can find a simple UDP client/server  
>> written in Haskell?
>> Something along the lines of an echo server would do.
>> Thanks
>> -John
> Try:


For testing, you need only use

	gregory-wrights-powerbook-g4-17> nc -ul -p 9900

and whatever you type should be echoed.  My original description
of how to test:
> On my OS X/ppc 10.4.8 system, the above builds with ghc 6.6 and if  
> I open one
> terminal with
> gregory-wrights-powerbook-g4-17> nc -u 9900
> and another with
> gregory-wrights-powerbook-g4-17> nc -ul -p 9900
> whatever I type into the first terminal appears on the second.  You  
> may have to
> consult your documentation for the options to your version of nc  
> (or netcat,
> if you use that instead).

is wrong.  (It will copy from one terminal to the other when the  
daemon is not present.)


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