[Haskell-cafe] Re: HaskellForge?

John Goerzen jgoerzen at complete.org
Mon Jan 8 10:13:00 EST 2007

On 2007-01-07, Imam Tashdid ul Alam <uchchwhash at yahoo.com> wrote:
> is it a good idea to have HaskellForge?
> Ruby, Lua and some other languages have already
> adopted GForge, and I must say, those sites look
> *impressive*!!!

Have you looked at trac?  I'm using it for about a dozen projects over
on http://software.complete.org/.

For instance, http://software.complete.org/missingh

I looked at Savane and GForge, and both looks like they were overkill
for what I wanted.  They are both very invasive on the host system,
requiring user accounts to be setup, hosts entries added, DNS control,
all sorts of Apache tweaks, etc.  You really need a dedicated OS install
for them.  And neither really seemed to be all that featureful, either.
Wikis weren't a standard part of either, and forums were a deprecated
part of one.  The one thing they have over GForge is mailing list
integration, but I just point people to haskell-cafe anyway.

Plus: only trac has integration with darcs.

It took some time to get trac setup and working the way I want to, with
the right plugins, but once done, it's been happy.

-- John

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