[Haskell-cafe] Arrays performance

Chris Kuklewicz haskell at list.mightyreason.com
Thu Jan 4 09:22:30 EST 2007

Paolo Veronelli wrote:
> Quoting Paolo Veronelli <paolo.veronelli at gmail.com>:
>> I paste new version in case you care give me some moe suggestion.
> import Data.Maybe
> import Data.List
> import Data.Array.Diff
> import System.Environment
> import Control.Arrow 
> import Control.Monad
> import Random
> inc l i = l // [(i,l!i + 1)]
> switch l i = l // [(i,not (l!i))]
> constArray n v = listArray (0,n-1) (repeat v)

I don't know about performance differences, but I write constArray using the
default value I can give to accumArray:

constArray n v = accumArray (const) v (0,n-1) []

where "(const)" might as well be "(undefined)" or "(error "unused")"

> data Folding = Folding 
>   {clusters :: [(Int,Int)], remi :: Int, colsCount :: DiffArray Int Int ,rowsCheck :: DiffArray Int Bool}

> result (Folding cs _ _ _) = cs

> rcluster ls d s = let 
>   devil s@(Folding cs r hs fs) l@(row,col) = let 
>     ns = s { clusters = (l:cs), rowsCheck = switch fs row, colsCount = inc hs col } 
>     rowtest  | c < d               = ns                                                                        
>              | (c == d) && (r > 0) = ns { remi = r - 1 }                                         
>              | otherwise           = s
>       where c = hs ! col
>     in if (not (fs ! row)) then rowtest else s                                                                    
>   in foldl devil s ls

I cannot tell by a quick glance, but you may want foldl' instead of foldl here.

> mcluster :: (Int,Int) -> [(Int,Int)] ->  [(Int,[Int])]
> mcluster (lr,lc) ls = let 
>   (k,r) = divMod lr lc
>   start = Folding{clusters = [],remi = r,colsCount = constArray lc 0,rowsCheck = constArray lr False } 
>   cs = result $ rcluster ls k start
>   in map collapse . groupBy (comp fst (==)) . sort . map swap $ cs 
>       where             
>     comp f g x y = (f x) `g` (f y) 
>     swap = snd &&& fst 
>     collapse = (head &&& unzip) >>> (fst *** snd)

"snd.unzip" is better written as "map snd" so this is
      collapse = (fst.head &&& map snd)
which is identical to the pointful
      collapse x@((a,_):_) = (a,map snd x)

> cluster :: (Ord b) => (a -> a -> b) -> [a] -> [a] -> [(a,[a])]
> cluster fxy xs ys =  let 
>   mkArray (l,xs) = (listArray :: (Int,Int) -> [e] -> DiffArray Int e)  (0,l-1)  xs 
>   xls = mkArray (lc,xs)
>   yls = mkArray (rc,ys)
>   (lc,rc) =  (length xs,length ys)
>   in
>   map ((yls !) *** map (xls !)) (mcluster (lc,rc) (snd.unzip.sort $ delta))

"snd.unzip" is better written as "map snd"

Do you need the "sort $ delta" to sort the snd field as well as the fst?  If not
then using "sortBy (comp fst compare)" might be clearer (and may be faster or

>     where
>   delta  = [(fxy x y,(n,m))|(n,x) <- zip [0..] xs, (m,y) <- zip [0..] ys]

I don't know if it matters, but "zip [0..] xs" is the same as "assocs xls" and
the same for ys/yls.

And now something slightly bizarre occurs to me.  The list "map swap delta"
looks perfect to initialize a two dimensional Array to cache the fxy x y values
you pre-compute for the sorting.  Rather than form (n*m) pairs you could form a
single unboxed n by m Array:

deltaArray :: UArray (Int,Int) Int -- Unboxed for efficiency
deltaArray = listArray ((0,0),(lc,rc)) [fxy x y | x <- xs, y <- ys]

delta :: [(Int,Int)]
delta = sortBy (comp (deltaArray!) compare) deltaArray.indices

If you only need to sort by the fst field, i.e. the (fxy x y), then this is
sufficient and you can call "(mcluster (lc,rc) delta)".  If you needed delta
sorted by both fields, then a more complicated function to sortBy is needed:

delta = sortBy (\nm1 nm2 -> compare (deltaArray!nm1) (deltaArray!nm2) `mappend`
compare nm1 nm2) deltaArray.indices

The `mappend` depends on the "instance Monoid Ordering" and "import Data.Monoid"
and is a great way to chain comparisons.

> -- call it with 2 args, the number ov values and the number of clusters
> -- <prog> 101 10   will cluster 101 values in 10 clusters
> points m n = do gen <- getStdGen
>                 return $ splitAt n (take (m + n) (randomRs (0,100::Int) gen))
> test1 = do args <- getArgs
>            return $ map read args :: IO [Int] 
> main = do 
>         [m,n] <- test1
>         --let [m,n] = [10,3200]
>         (ps,bs) <- points m n
>         print $ cluster (\x y -> abs (x - y)) ps bs
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