[Haskell-cafe] Re: Code and Perf. Data for Prime Finders (was:
Genuine Eratosthenes sieve)
Lennart Augustsson
lennart at augustsson.net
Sun Feb 25 12:18:49 EST 2007
Here's another program you can add. It's fairly short and efficient.
-- Lennart
import System (getArgs)
infixr :>
data StreamInt = !Int :> StreamInt
(!>) :: StreamInt -> Int -> Int
(x :> _) !> 0 = x
(_ :> xs) !> n = xs !> (n-1)
-- By replacing lprimes on the next line by '5 :> gen 7 4 2' this
-- runs in very little space, but is somewhat slower.
primes = 2 :> 3 :> lprimes
where isPrime (p:>ps) n = n `rem` p /= 0 && (p*p > n || isPrime ps n)
lprimes = 5 :> gen 7 4 2
gen n a b = if isPrime lprimes n then n :> gen (n+a) b a
else gen (n+a) b a
printNthPrime n = print (n, primes !> (n-1))
main = do
args <- getArgs
printNthPrime $ read $ head args
On Feb 25, 2007, at 12:51 , Melissa O'Neill wrote:
> For those enjoying the fun with prime finding, I've updated the
> source at
> http://www.cs.hmc.edu/~oneill/code/haskell-primes.zip
> I've tweaked my code a little to improve its space behavior when
> finding primes up to some limit, added an up-to-limit version of
> the Naive Primes algorithm, and added Oleg's prime finding code too.
> I also got a chance to look at space usage more generally. I won't
> reproduce a table here, but the conclusions were more-or-less what
> you'd expect. The "unlimited list" algorithms used O(n) space to
> find n primes (except for Runciman's algorithm, which appeared to
> be much worse), and the "primes up to a limit" algorithms used O
> (sqrt(n)) space to find the nth prime.
> Both of these are better than the classic C algorithm, which uses O
> (n log n) space to find the nth prime. For example, heap profiling
> shows that my own O(sqrt(n)) algorithm uses only 91200 bytes to
> find the 10^7th prime, whereas the classic C algorithm needs at
> least 11214043 bytes for its array -- a factor of more than 100
> different, and one that gets worse for larger n.
> Lennart Augustsson wrote:
>> Another weird thing is that much of the Haskell code seems to work
>> with Integer whereas the C code uses int.
> Originally, I was comparing Haskell with Haskell, and for that
> purpose I wanted to have a level playing field, so going with
> Integer everywhere made sense.
>> That doesn't seem fair.
> Actually, to the extent that any of the comparisons are "fair", I
> think this one is too. After all, typical Haskell code uses
> Integer and typical C code uses int. I could use arrays in my
> Haskell code and never use laziness, but when I program in Haskell,
> I'm not trying to exactly recreate C programs, but rather write
> their Haskell equivalents. For example, to me, producing a lazy
> list was essential for a true Haskell feel. For some people, the
> "Haskell feel" also includes treating the language as a declarative
> specification language where brevity is everything -- but for me,
> other things (like fundamental algorithmic efficiency and
> faithfulness to the core ideas that make the Sieve of Eratosthenes
> an *efficient* algorithm) are universal and ought to be common to
> both C and Haskell versions.
> But to allow a better comparison with C, I've added a run for an
> Int version of my algorithm. With that change, my code is closer
> to the speed of the C code. More interestingly, for larger n, I
> seem to be narrowing the gap. At 10^6, my code runs nearly 30
> times slower than the classic C version, but at 10^8, I'm only
> about 20 times slower. This is especially interesting to me there
> was some (reasonable looking) speculation from apfelmus several
> days ago, that suggested that my use of a priority queue incurred
> an extra log(n) overhead, from which you would expect a worse
> asymptotic complexity, not equivalent or better.
> Melissa.
> Enc. (best viewed with a fixed-width font)
> ------------------------------------------------------------------
> Time (in seconds) for Number of Primes
> ----------------------------------------------------
> Algorithm 10^3 10^4 10^5 10^6 10^7 10^8
> ------------------------------------------------------------------
> C-Sieve 0.00 0.00 0.01 0.29 5.12 88.24
> O'Neill (#3) 0.01 0.04 0.55 8.34 122.62 1779.18
> O'Neill (#2) 0.01 0.06 0.95 13.85 194.96 2699.61
> O'Neill (#1) 0.01 0.07 1.07 15.95 230.11 -
> Bromage 0.02 0.39 6.50 142.85 - -
> "sieve" (#3) 0.01 0.25 7.28 213.19 - -
> Naive (#2) 0.02 0.59 14.70 386.40 - -
> Naive (#1) 0.32 0.66 16.04 419.22 - -
> Runciman 0.02 0.74 29.25 - - -
> Reinke 0.04 1.21 41.00 - - -
> Zilibowitz 0.02 2.50 368.33 - - -
> Gale (#1) 0.12 17.99 - - - -
> "sieve" (#1) 0.16 32.59 - - - -
> "sieve" (#2) 0.01 32.76 - - - -
> Oleg 0.18 68.40 - - - -
> Gale (#2) 1.36 268.65 - - - -
> ------------------------------------------------------------------
> - The dashes in the table mean "I gave up waiting" (i.e., > 500
> seconds)
> - "sieve" (#1) is the classic example we're all familiar with
> - "sieve" (#2) is the classic example, but sieving a list without
> multiples of 2,3,5, or 7 -- notice how it makes no real difference
> - "sieve" (#3) is the classic example, but generating a lazy-but-
> finite list (see below)
> - O'Neill (#1) is basically the algorithm of mine discussed in
> http://www.cs.hmc.edu/~oneill/papers/Sieve-JFP.pdf, with a few
> minor tweaks
> - O'Neill (#2) is a variant of that algorithm that generates a lazy-
> but-finite list of primes.
> - O'Neill (#3) is a variant of that algoritm that uses Ints when it
> can get away with it.
> - Naive (#1) is the the non-sieve-based "divide by every prime up
> to the square root" algorithm for finding primes (called
> SimplePrimes in the source)
> - Naive (#2) is the same algorithm, with a limit on the number of
> primes
> - Runciman is Colin Runciman's algorithm, from his _Lazy Wheel
> Sieves and Spirals of Primes_ paper
> - Reinke is the ``applyAt'' algorithm Claus Reinke posted here
> - Gale (#1) is Yitz Gale's deleteOrd algorithm
> - Gale (#2) is Yitz Gale's crossOff algorithm
> - Oleg is oleg at pobox.com's algoirthm, as posted to Haskell Cafe
> - Zilibowitz is Ruben Zilibowitz's GCD-based primes generator, as
> posted on Haskell-Cafe
> - Bromage is Andrew Bromage's implementation of the Atkin-Bernstein
> sieve. Like O'Neill (#2) and "sieve" (#3), asks for some upper
> limit on the number of primes it generates. Unlike O'Neill (#2)
> and "sieve" (#3), it uses arrays, and the upper limit causes a
> large initial array allocation. Also, unlike the other Haskell
> algorithms, it does not produce a lazy list; no output is produced
> until sieving is complete
> - C-Sieve is a "typical" simple implementation of the sieve in C
> found with Google; it skips multiples of 2 and uses a bit array.
> Also, obviously, it doesn't produce incremental output.
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