[Haskell-cafe] Illegal .... - solved - style question

Marc Weber marco-oweber at gmx.de
Sun Feb 25 09:17:21 EST 2007

On Sun, Feb 25, 2007 at 12:18:25AM +0300, Bulat Ziganshin wrote:
> Hello Marc,
> Friday, February 23, 2007, 5:22:12 PM, you wrote:
> > type ActionMonad a l = forall l. (HOccurs D1 l)
> >                                => ( ReaderT l IO a )
> 'l' should be either parameter of type constructor or forall'ed
> variable. it seems that you try to set limitations on type constructor
> parameter - thing that has another syntax and anyway not much support
> in haskell'98. i suggest you to use smth like the following instead:
>  type ActionMonad a l = ( ReaderT l IO a )
>  instance (HOccurs D1 l) => Get CR (ActionMonad Bool ()) where
>    get (CR a) = a
> -- 
> Best regards,
>  Bulat                            mailto:Bulat.Ziganshin at gmail.com
Hi Bulat (and others)
Thanks for your answer. I've tried doing this:
	The idea of using get instead of record accessing functions a1, a2 is
	(  let a = a1 record
	   let (A a) <- get record
	   let (A a) <- get record2 (record2 can be different type than record)
	benefit of the snd version: You can also see its type immideately.
	Because I've taught DrIft to derive Get a b .. its not much additional

	The snd idea is using an invironment which is typesafe and easy to
	extend by using a HList and hOccurs to get the environment.
	I think this is great because you don't have to write getStateX,
	getEnvY = accessor . ask/get

Im curious about reading you comments on a) b) ;)

Marc Weber

============= testfile - needs HList and GHC =========================
{-# OPTIONS -fglasgow-exts #-}
{-# OPTIONS -fallow-undecidable-instances #-}
{-# OPTIONS -fallow-incoherent-instances #-}
{-# OPTIONS -fallow-overlapping-instances #-}
{-# OPTIONS -fno-monomorphism-restriction #-}
module Main where
import HList hiding ( liftIO )
import Control.Monad.Reader
import Control.Monad.Trans
import HOccurs

class Get a b where
  get :: a -> b

data D1 = D1 Int deriving (Show) -- dummy type
data D2 = D2 Int deriving (Show) -- dummy type

type ActionMonad l a = ReaderT l IO a

newtype A l a = A (ActionMonad l a)
newtype B l a = B (ActionMonad l a)

data ActionRecord l a = ActionRecord { a1 :: A l a
				     , a2 :: B l a
instance Get (ActionRecord l a) (A l a)
  where get ar = a1 ar
instance Get (ActionRecord l a) (B l a)
  where get ar = a2 ar

type RD1 = (HCons D1 HNil)
type RD2D1 = (HCons D2 RD1)
myActionRecord = ActionRecord (A act1) (B act2)
	act1 :: ReaderT RD1 IO ()
	act1 = do 
	  liftIO $ print "act 1"
	  (d1@(D1 _)) <- asks hOccurs
	  liftIO $ print (show d1)
	act2 :: ReaderT RD1 IO ()
	act2 = do
	  liftIO $ print "act 2"
	  (d1@(D1 _)) <- asks hOccurs
	  liftIO $ print (show d1)
	  mytrans act3 $ (\l -> HCons (D2 7) l) -- adding new environment (D2 7) here
	  -- addD2 act3 (D2 2)
mytrans f tr = do a <- ask
		  lift $ runReaderT f (tr a)

-- here order doesn't matter:
act3 :: ( HOccurs D1 (HCons a b)
	, HOccurs D2 (HCons a b)) => 
	ReaderT (HCons a b) IO ()
act3 = do
  liftIO $ print "act 3 within act2"
  (d2@(D2 _)) <- asks hOccurs
  liftIO $ print (show d2)
	-- asks' :: (HOccurs l D2) => (l -> D2) -> ReaderT l IO D2
	-- asks' = asks
	-- addD2 :: (HOccurs l' D2, HOccurs l D1) => ReaderT l' IO a -> D2 -> ReaderT l IO a
	-- addD2 m d2 = mytrans m (\l -> HCons d2 l)

hcons2 :: a -> b -> HCons a (HCons b HNil)
hcons2 a b = HCons a (HCons b HNil)
main = let 
  (A act1 :: A RD1 ()) = get myActionRecord
  (B act2 :: B RD1 ()) = get myActionRecord
  in do runReaderT (sequence [act1, act2]) (HCons (D1 1) HNil)
	runReaderT act3 (hcons2 (D2 7) (D1 1))
	-- order doen't matter:
	runReaderT act3 (hcons2 (D1 3) (D2 7))
============= testfile ===============================================

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