[Haskell-cafe] Re: process
h._h._h._ at hotmail.com
Fri Feb 23 06:26:58 EST 2007
Donald Bruce Stewart <dons <at> cse.unsw.edu.au> writes:
> I usually use System.Process for this kind of thing.
> http://haskell.org/ghc/docs/latest/html/libraries/base/System-Process.html
As I wrote in "process":
As long as there is no need to put some input after having received some output
it is no problem
module Main where
import System.Process
import System.IO
main :: IO ()
main = do
putStrLn "Running proc9..."
(inp,out,err,pid) <- runInteractiveProcess "prog1" [] Nothing Nothing
hSetBuffering inp LineBuffering
hSetBuffering out LineBuffering
hSetBuffering err LineBuffering
hPutStrLn inp "1"
a <- hGetLine out
hPutStrLn inp a
a <- hGetLine out
waitForProcess pid
putStrLn a
If it basically works, what goes wrong in my programm?
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