[Haskell-cafe] Re: Optimization fun

Lennart Augustsson lennart at augustsson.net
Sat Feb 10 17:06:28 EST 2007

This is actually a pretty good algorithm.  And also a rather subtle  
one when it comes to termination. :)

	-- Lennart

On Feb 10, 2007, at 22:00 , apfelmus at quantentunnel.de wrote:

> Creighton Hogg wrote:
>> Hello Haskell-ers,
>> So a friend and I were thinking about making code faster in  
>> Haskell, and I
>> was wondering if there was a way to improve the following method of
>> generating the list of all prime numbers.  It takes about 13  
>> seconds to
>> run, meanwhile my friend's C version took 0.1.
>> I'd love to learn a bit more about how to optimize Haskell code.
> Of course, the best optimization is a better algorithm. In case  
> this is
> what you're after, have a look at
>    Colin Runciman, Lazy Wheel Sieves and Spirals of Primes
>    http://citeseer.ist.psu.edu/runciman97lazy.html
> While Haskell makes it possible to express very complicated algorithms
> in simple and elegant ways, you have to expect to pay a constant  
> factor
> (roughly 2x-10x) when competing against the same algorithm in low- 
> level C.
>> -- Naive way to calculate prime numbers, testing each new n to see  
>> if it
>> has
>> prime factors less than sqrt(n).
>> import Data.List
>> primes = 2:(foldr (\x y -> if isPrime x then x:y else y) [] [3..])
>>    where isPrime x = foldl' (\z y -> z && (if x `mod` y == 0 then  
>> False
>> else True)) True (take (floor $ sqrt $ fromIntegral x) primes)
> Your code has two glitches and a serious flaw: foldl' is strict but  
> not
> fast, use foldr instead. Premature strictness is the root of all  
> evil :)
> To see what went wrong, I take the freedom to rewrite the code as
>   primes    = 2 : filter isPrime [3..]
>   isPrime x = all' (\p -> x `mod` p /= 0) . take sqrtn $ primes
>     where sqrtn = floor $ sqrt $ fromIntegral n
>   all' prop = foldl' (\z y -> z && prop y) True
> The first and most minor glitch is the missing type signature. Every
> Haskell compiler will default your integers to arbitrary precision  
> Integers:
>> :t primes
>   [Integer]
> I doubt that your C friend uses arbitrary precision arithmetic, so  
> you'd
> better write down
>   primes  :: [Int]
>   isPrime :: Int -> Bool
> The second glitch is that you 'take sqrtn primes'. This is not the  
> same
> as 'takeWhile (<= sqrtn) primes', i.e. taking primes as long as  
> they are
> smaller than the square root of n. I guess you know that this  
> results in
> far fewer primes taken.
> The glitches may have been unintentional, but the flaw intentionally
> degrades performance: you should not use a strict all' but the lazy
>   all prop = foldr (\y z -> prop y && z) True
> from the Prelude. The point is that the lazy version stops inspecting
> the elements of the remaining list whenever (prop y) turns False  
> for the
> first time. This is because && is lazy:
>   False && x = False
> for whatever x we supply. For example, take the list
>   [True, False, True, True] ++ replicate 100 True
> Here, all returns False after inspecting the first two elements while
> all' inspects every one of the 104 list elements just to return False
> afterwards. As every second number is even, your all' is busy wasting
> time like crazy.
> Regards,
> apfelmus
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