[Haskell-cafe] nested maybes
Udo Stenzel
u.stenzel at web.de
Sun Feb 4 14:25:50 EST 2007
J. Garrett Morris wrote:
> Maybe has a Monad instance, so you can write this as follows (untested):
> exists str wmap = boolFromMaybe exists'
> where exists' =
> do x <- Map.lookup (sort str) wmap
> find (== str) (snd x)
> boolFromMaybe (Just _) = True
> boolFromMaybe Nothing = False
Small improvement (Data.Maybe is underappreciated):
> exists str wmap = isJust exists'
> where exists' =
> do x <- Map.lookup (sort str) wmap
> find (== str) (snd x)
and maybe another improvement, though this is dependent on your tastes:
> exists s wmap = isJust $ Map.lookup (sort s) wmap >>= find (== s) . snd
Catproof is an oxymoron, childproof nearly so.
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