[Haskell-cafe] Another Space Leak
Dominic Steinitz
dominic.steinitz at blueyonder.co.uk
Sun Feb 4 13:03:19 EST 2007
Many thanks for the help on the original space leak which is now fixed -see
the function pad below and test runs in small constant space. However, that
has merely revealed the next space leak.
The problem appears to be
blockWord8sIn512 :: [Word8] -> [[Word8]]
blockWord8sIn512 =
unfoldr g
g [] = Nothing
g xs = Just (splitAt 64 xs)
or its alternative
bws :: [Word8] -> [[Word8]]
bws [] = []
bws xs = ys:(bws zs)
(ys,zs) = splitAt 64 xs
But I can't see why a big expression is being built up. Shouldn't these
produce elements of the list when they are required and they are then
consumed by foldl'?
module Main(main) where
import Data.Word
import Data.Bits
import Data.List
ss = [0x67452301, 0xefcdab89, 0x98badcfe, 0x10325476, 0xc3d2e1f0]
pad = pad' 0
where pad' l [] = [0x80] ++ ps
where pl = (64-(l+9)) `mod` 64
ps = replicate pl 0x00
pad' l (x:xs) = x : (pad' $! l+1) xs -- otherwise (l+1) it will be
deferred until replicate
blockWord8sIn512 :: [Word8] -> [[Word8]]
blockWord8sIn512 =
unfoldr g
g [] = Nothing
g xs = Just (splitAt 64 xs)
bws :: [Word8] -> [[Word8]]
bws [] = []
bws xs = ys:(bws zs)
(ys,zs) = splitAt 64 xs
test :: Int -> Word8
test n = foldl' xor 0x55 (pad (replicate n 0x55))
test1 :: Int -> [Word8]
test1 n = foldl' (zipWith xor) [0x01..0x40] (blockWord8sIn512 (pad (replicate
n 0x55)))
test2 :: Int -> [Word8]
test2 n = foldl' (zipWith xor) [0x01..0x40] (bws (pad (replicate n 0x55)))
main =
do putStrLn (show (test 1000000))
putStrLn (show (test1 1000000))
putStrLn (show (test2 1000000))
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