[Haskell-cafe] Re: Takusen - error handling and DBM monad
Bayley, Alistair
Alistair_Bayley at invescoperpetual.co.uk
Thu Feb 1 11:18:31 EST 2007
> From: haskell-cafe-bounces at haskell.org
> [mailto:haskell-cafe-bounces at haskell.org] On Behalf Of Al Falloon
> Bayley, Alistair wrote:
> > Al Falloon wrote:
> >> what does withSession return if there is a DBException?
> >
> > Well, whatever the handler returns, same as with any other exception
> > handler. Note that this must have the same type as whatever
> withSession
> > returns, and this constraint is enforced by the type of
> catch/catchDB:
> Sorry, I wasn't clear. What does it return when there is an uncaught
> exception? It sounds like it raises an exception in IO. Is
> this correct?
Well, a function raising an uncaught exception doesn't really return
anything - it's raised an exception. I'm not clear on the semantics of
exceptions in Haskell, but if you don't catch it then eventually it
reaches the RTS, which will halt your program with an uncaught exception
error. If you're asking if it propagates up to the RTS, then the answer
is yes. The downside is that because it's a dynamic exception, the RTS
can't/won't show anything other than "uncaught dynamic exception", which
isn't helpful.
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