[Haskell-cafe] Re: Sending bottom to his room

Achim Schneider barsoap at web.de
Sat Dec 29 09:43:19 EST 2007

"Cristian Baboi" <cristian.baboi at gmail.com> wrote:

> On Sat, 29 Dec 2007 16:01:51 +0200, Achim Schneider <barsoap at web.de>
> wrote:
> > "Cristian Baboi" <cristian.baboi at gmail.com> wrote:
> >
> >> It appears as if  lambda calculus is defined by lambda calculus.
> >>
> > Yes. id (lambda calculus) = lambda calculus. You might try to point
> > back to yourself when being asked who you are to see the advantage
> > of this technique.
> The next question is if id is well defined.
> There is such a function ?
> How many of them ?
None at all. A thing is nothing but itself and won't ever be anything
else, identity is implied by existence.

I used id = (\x -> x) just as an arbitrary fixed point you can also
recurse around to point back to lambda calculus, instead of eval. After
all, id(eval) = eval, even if the first one is a compiler, the second
one is an interpreter and the third one is your mind.

you can also say (define (id x) (unquote (quote x))) or, in the
esoteric domain, where -1 people can be in an elevator, (define (id x)
(quote (unquote x))). If you dare, you can also write (define (id x)
(car (cons x '()))

It really doesn't matter, if you don't use map or fold or write or
whatever you can just write x, and if you don't write an interpreter or
something that needs to interpret on runtime, you can just write your
code instead of eval.

In a moonlit night, turn your back to the screen and meditate about the
funny annotated taichi pictured on top of the page.

It pictures the unity in transcendence not the equivalence of
opposites, by the way.

You might also say that any expression of any axiomatic system revolves
around the system in the void.

Hell breaks loose here:

Sorry, I got a significant part of my logic from a philosophy lexicon.

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