[Haskell-cafe] Specializing classes with classes

alex maskif at yahoo.com.au
Sat Dec 29 00:31:04 EST 2007

I see..

(Presumably you meant "instance Alg Sometype",
"instance Vec Sometype" etc.)

I have got it working now, and it looks like:
1) I can't specialise superclass methods with other
class methods, within the class hierarchy, and
2) I have to instantiate each superclass individually,
for any type.

...which is consistent with what you were saying.
Thanks for clearing that up.

Now I know what they meant what they meant by "leave
your OO at the door".

--- ajb at spamcop.net wrote:


> What you'll have to do until then is something like
> this:
>      class Num a => Alg a where
>          (<>)    :: Mat m => m -> a -> a
>      multByVec :: (Vec v, Mat m) => m -> a -> a
>      multByVec m v = fromColumn (m <> toColumn v)
>      class Alg v 	=> Vec v where
>          toRow, toColumn     :: Mat m => v -> m
>          fromRow, fromColumn :: Mat m => m -> v
>          fromRow     = fromColumn . transpose
>          toRow       = transpose . toColumn
>      class Alg m     => Mat m where
>          transpose   :: m -> m
>      class Alg SomeType where
>          (<>) = multByVec
>      class Vec SomeType where
>          toRow = {- etc etc -}
>          {- and so on -}
> Sorry, I wish there was a better answer.
> Cheers,
> Andrew Bromage
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