[Haskell-cafe] Function Stores

Lennart Augustsson lennart at augustsson.net
Fri Dec 28 18:19:45 EST 2007

What is it that you are trying to do?

On Dec 28, 2007 10:49 PM, Cristian Baboi <cristian.baboi at gmail.com> wrote:

> Here is what I was able to come up with:
> module Store where
> data FStore1 a b  = Empty1 | FS1 ( a->b , FStore1 a b )
> store1 :: (a->b) -> (FStore1 a  b)
> store1 f = let x = FS1 (f, x) in x
> data FStore2 a b = Empty2 | FS2 ( a->b , FStore2 a b, FStore2 a b )
> store2 :: (a->b) -> (FStore2 a b)
> store2 f = let x = FS2 (f,x,x) in x
> First I tryed store1, but after a while it went out of business.
> Second I tryed other business model with store2. Same result.
> Then I tryed to make a street of stores.
> After a while, they all went out of business.
> Then I tryed to make several streets of stores.
> After a while they all went out of business.
> Then I tryed to make an infinite street of stores.
> After a while they all went out of business.
> Then, following some rumors that there is a store on that street with some
> function in stock that might be willing to give it away, I noticed that
> the street disappeared, and I cannot go to that store.
> Can you help me find it ?
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