[Haskell-cafe] [6/16] SBM: 6.9.20071124 Athlon Duron

Peter Firefly Brodersen Lund firefly at vax64.dk
Sat Dec 22 04:17:08 EST 2007

This set of measurements was captured by Daniel Fischer on one of his older
machines, running SuSE 8.2, which has a Linux 2.4 kernel!

The benchmarks were run on 2007-12-16 using ghc 6.9.20071124.

Unfortunately, the ghc version is not quite the same as the one I've used for
most measurements (6.9.20071119) so things may be a little different just for
that reason.

The results seemed a bit off at first, but now that I have graphs of all the
runs on all the machines they don't seem strange at all.  First of all, the
memory use is about the same as on the other machines.  Secondly, the timing
differences for the C getchar/getwchar might be partly due to different
versions of the C library.  The remaining differences (a "steeper" profile
than on the core duo and the Athlon64) may be due to different


Fischer's machine
ghc 6.9.20071124
AMD Duron(tm) processor
1200.089 MHz

Time (byte counting)            std
--------------------        avg dev slack
hs/byte-bs----acc:        1.892 21‰ 0.4  ██▊                                  |
hs/byte-bs----foldlx:     2.258  3‰ 0.1  ███▎                                 |
hs/byte-bs----foldrx:     2.933  0‰ 0.1  ████▎                                |
hs/byte-bsl---acc:       14.319 45‰ 0.1  ████████████████████▌                |
hs/byte-xxxxx-acc-1:     20.915 17‰ 4.0  █████████████████████████████▉       |
hs/byte-xxxxx-acc-2:     20.691  8‰ 0.1  █████████████████████████████▌       |
hs/byte-xxxxx-foldl:     20.610  5‰ 1.4  █████████████████████████████▍       |
c/byte-getchar:           9.042  0‰ 0.1  ████████████▉                        |
c/byte-getchar-u:         1.314  3‰ 0.2  █▉                                   |
c/byte-4k:                0.419  5‰ 0.5  ▋                                    |

Memory:                    Peak
-------                     KB 
hs/byte-bs----acc:       147492 ████████████████████████████████████████      |
hs/byte-bs----foldlx:    147492 ████████████████████████████████████████      |
hs/byte-bs----foldrx:    147488 ████████████████████████████████████████      |
hs/byte-bsl---acc:         2896 â–Š                                             |
hs/byte-xxxxx-acc-1:       1612 ▌                                             |
hs/byte-xxxxx-acc-2:       1612 ▌                                             |
hs/byte-xxxxx-foldl:       1612 ▌                                             |
c/byte-getchar:             384 ▏                                             |
c/byte-getchar-u:           384 ▏                                             |
c/byte-4k:                  380 ▏                                             |

Time (space counting)           std
---------------------       avg dev slack
hs/space-bs-c8-acc-1:     2.467  1‰ 0.3  ███▌                                 |
hs/space-bs-c8-foldlx-1:  2.585  2‰ 0.1  ███▊                                 |
hs/space-bs-c8-foldlx-2:  2.576  2‰ 0.3  ███▋                                 |
hs/space-bs-c8-foldrx:    2.982  8‰ 2.3  ████▎                                |
hs/space-bs-c8-lenfil:    2.599  1‰ 0.2  ███▊                                 |
hs/space-bslc8-acc-1:    15.228  8‰ 0.1  █████████████████████▊               |
hs/space-bslc8-acc-2:    15.855 38‰ 0.0  ██████████████████████▋              |
hs/space-bslc8-acc-3:    14.980 14‰ 0.0  █████████████████████▍               |
hs/space-bslc8-chunk-1:   2.443  2‰ 0.2  ███▌                                 |
hs/space-bslc8-chunk-2:   2.449  1‰ 0.3  ███▌                                 |
hs/space-bslc8-chunk-3:   2.534  3‰ 0.3  ███▋                                 |
hs/space-bslc8-foldl:     2.938  1‰ 0.2  ████▎                                |
hs/space-bslc8-foldlx-1:  2.928  1‰ 0.0  ████▏                                |
hs/space-bslc8-foldlx-2:  2.937  2‰ 0.2  ████▎                                |
hs/space-bslc8-foldr-1:   4.043  6‰ 0.1  █████▊                               |
hs/space-bslc8-foldr-2:   4.007  4‰ 0.1  █████▊                               |
hs/space-bslc8-lenfil-1:  3.240  1‰ 0.2  ████▋                                |
hs/space-bslc8-lenfil-2:  3.236  1‰ 0.2  ████▋                                |
hs/space-bsl---foldlx:    2.821  1‰ 0.1  ████                                 |
hs/space-xxxxx-acc-1:    21.002  4‰ 0.1  ██████████████████████████████       |
hs/space-xxxxx-acc-2:    21.270 22‰ 4.7  ██████████████████████████████▍      |
hs/space-xxxxx-foldl:    20.934  1‰ 0.1  █████████████████████████████▉       |
hs/space-xxxxx-lenfil:   25.915  3‰ 0.0  █████████████████████████████████████|
c/space-getchar:          9.354  0‰ 0.0  █████████████▍                       |
c/space-getchar-u:        1.676  2‰ 0.2  ██▍                                  |
c/space-4k:               1.293  2‰ 0.5  █▉                                   |
c/space-megabuf:          1.830  3‰ 0.5  ██▋                                  |
c/space-getwchar:        14.721  1‰ 0.1  █████████████████████                |
c/space-getwchar-u:       4.814  0‰ 0.0  ██████▉                              |
c/space-32k:              1.276  2‰ 0.6  █▉                                   |
c/space-32k-8:            1.275  2‰ 0.2  █▉                                   |

Memory:                    Peak
-------                     KB 
hs/space-bs-c8-acc-1:    147488 ████████████████████████████████████████      |
hs/space-bs-c8-foldlx-1: 147492 ████████████████████████████████████████      |
hs/space-bs-c8-foldlx-2: 147492 ████████████████████████████████████████      |
hs/space-bs-c8-foldrx:   147488 ████████████████████████████████████████      |
hs/space-bs-c8-lenfil:   147492 ████████████████████████████████████████      |
hs/space-bslc8-acc-1:      2896 â–Š                                             |
hs/space-bslc8-acc-2:      2896 â–Š                                             |
hs/space-bslc8-acc-3:      2896 â–Š                                             |
hs/space-bslc8-chunk-1:   65892 █████████████████▉                            |
hs/space-bslc8-chunk-2:   65892 █████████████████▉                            |
hs/space-bslc8-chunk-3:   76472 ████████████████████▊                         |
hs/space-bslc8-foldl:     86772 ███████████████████████▋                      |
hs/space-bslc8-foldlx-1:  86772 ███████████████████████▋                      |
hs/space-bslc8-foldlx-2:  86772 ███████████████████████▋                      |
hs/space-bslc8-foldr-1:  169360 ██████████████████████████████████████████████|
hs/space-bslc8-foldr-2:  169360 ██████████████████████████████████████████████|
hs/space-bslc8-lenfil-1: 110704 ██████████████████████████████▏               |
hs/space-bslc8-lenfil-2: 110704 ██████████████████████████████▏               |
hs/space-bsl---foldlx:    86776 ███████████████████████▋                      |
hs/space-xxxxx-acc-1:      1612 ▌                                             |
hs/space-xxxxx-acc-2:      1612 ▌                                             |
hs/space-xxxxx-foldl:      1612 ▌                                             |
hs/space-xxxxx-lenfil:     1588 ▍                                             |
c/space-getchar:            384 ▏                                             |
c/space-getchar-u:          384 ▏                                             |
c/space-4k:                 412 ▏                                             |
c/space-megabuf:         146904 ███████████████████████████████████████▉      |
c/space-getwchar:           440 ▏                                             |
c/space-getwchar-u:         440 ▏                                             |
c/space-32k:                436 ▏                                             |
c/space-32k-8:              436 ▏                                             |

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