[Haskell-cafe] MonadFix

Daniel Fischer daniel.is.fischer at web.de
Tue Dec 18 15:03:31 EST 2007

Am Dienstag, 18. Dezember 2007 17:26 schrieb Joost Behrends:
> Hi,
> since about three weeks i am learning Haskell now. One of my first
> excercises is to decompose an Integer into its primefactors. I already
> posted discussion on the solution to the problem 35 in "99 excercises".
> My simple algorithm uses a datatype DivIter of 4 named fields together with
> the core iteration

But a simple recursion that returns the list of primefactors lazily would also 
solve the stack frame problem, wouldn't it?
sort of
factor 0 = error "0 has no factorisation"
factor 1 = []
factor n
	| n < 0	= (-1):factor (-n)
	| even n 	= 2:factor (n `div` 2)
	| otherwise	= oddFactors 3 n

oddFactors k n
	| k*k > n	= [n]
	| r == 0	= k:oddFactors k q
	| otherwise	= oddFactors (k+2) n
	    (q,r) = n `divMod` k

you can then start consuming the prime factors as they come, before the 
factorisation is complete.
> divstep :: DivIter -> DivIter
> divstep x | divisor x > bound x = x
>           | ximod > 0        = x { divisor = (divisor x) +2 }
>           | otherwise        =  x {dividend=xidiv,
>                                    bound=intsqrt(xidiv),
>                                    result = result x ++ [divisor x] }
>     where
>         (xidiv, ximod) = divMod (dividend x) (divisor x)
> (dividend x is already odd, when this is called).
> The problem to solve for really large Integers is how to call divstep
> iterated without not accumulating billions of stack frames. Here is one
> possibility:
> divisions = do
>     y <- get
>     if divisor y <= bound y then do
>         put ( divstep y )
>         divisions
>         else
>             return y
> (this for a version of divstep without the first guard) called from
> res = execState divisions (DivIter { dividend = o1,
>                                      divisor = 3,
>                                      bound = intsqrt(o1),
>                                      result = o2 })
> ( where o1 "the odd part" of the number to decompose, o2 a list of its
> "contained" twos). This computes the primefactors of 2^120+1 in 17 minutes
> after all. But i cannot help feeling that this is an abuse of the State
> monad. The MonadFix has a function    fix (a -> a) -> a   and i added the
> first guard in divstep above for making this a fixpoint problem.
> For me the signature looks, as if using fix doesn't afford to create
> explicitely a variable of a MonadFix instance and a simple twoliner for
> divisions could do the job. What i do not understand at all from the
> documentation of fix is:
>    "fix f is the least fixed point of the function f, i.e. the least
> defined x such that f x = x."
> What does "least" mean here ? There is nothing said about x being a
> variable of an instance of Ord. And why fix has not the type a -> (a -> a)
> -> a, means: How can i provide a starting point of the iteration x ==> f x
> ==> f (f x) ==> ...?

It's quite another thing,
fix is not a fixed point iteration as used in calculus, least here means 
'least defined'.
The least defined of all values is 'undefined' (aka bottom, often denoted by 
For simple data types like Int or Bool, a value is either completely defined 
or undefined, and both True and False are more defined than bottom, but 
neither is more or less defined than the other.
For a recursive data type like lists, you have a more interesting hierarrchy 
of definedness:
_|_ is less defined than _|_:_|_ is less defined than _|_:_|_:_|_ is less 
defined than _|_:_|_:_|_:_|_ ...
And definedness of list elements is also interesting,
_|_:_|_:_|_ is less defined than 1:_|_:_|_ is less defined than 1:2:_|_ is 
less defined than 1:2:3:_|_ is less defined than ...

You cannot use fix on a strict function (a function is strict iff f _|_ = 
_|_), as by its implementation,
fix f = let x = fix f in f x
IIRC, it's calculated without knowing what x is when f is called.
fix f is basically
lim xn, when 
x0 = undefined, 
x(n+1) = f xn

And since f x is always at least as defined as x, xn is a monotonic sequence 
(monotonic with respect to definedness), so the limit exists - it's _|_ for 
strict functions, and if we follow a few steps of the easy example fix (1:), 
we see
x0 = _|_
x1 = 1:_|_
x2 = 1:1:_|_
x3 = 1:1:1:_|_,
hence fix (1:) == repeat 1.


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