Fw: hdbc odbc also crashes on 6.8.2 Re: [Haskell-cafe] HDBC-ODBC crashes on ghc 6.8

Olivier Boudry olivier.boudry at gmail.com
Sat Dec 15 11:39:27 EST 2007

On Dec 14, 2007 12:37 PM, Thomas Hartman <thomas.hartman at db.com> wrote:

> I just tried HDBC-ODBC on 6.8.2, but it still crashes. Works on 6.6.1.
> thomas.
Hi Thomas,

I tried to compile your minimal app on 6.8.2 and get the following result.

C:\Temp>ghc --make TestHDBC.hs
Linking TestHDBC.exe ...
C:\Program Files\Haskell\HDBC-
nnection.o)(.text+0x52c):fake: undefined reference to `SQLAllocHandle'
C:\Program Files\Haskell\HDBC-
nnection.o)(.text+0x5b8):fake: undefined reference to `SQLSetEnvAttr'
... (long list of undefined references)...

When running it using "ghc -e main" it gives no error, but when compiling I
get those undefined reference errors. The functions listed here are defined
in ghc-lib\libodbc32.a and using "filemon" I could see that the library is
found and opened from ld.exe during linking. I don't understand why it
cannot link to those functions.

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