[Haskell-cafe] Re: Software Tools in Haskell
apfelmus at quantentunnel.de
Thu Dec 13 05:40:48 EST 2007
Tommy M McGuire wrote:
> apfelmus wrote:
>> tabwidth = 4
>> -- tabstop !! (col-1) == there is a tabstop at column col
>> -- This is an infinite list, so no need to limit the line width
>> tabstops = map (\col -> col `mod` tabwidth == 1) [1..]
>> -- calculate spaces needed to fill to the next tabstop in advance
>> tabspaces = snd $ mapAccumR addspace [] tabstops
>> addspace cs isstop = let cs'=' ':cs in (if isstop then [] else cs',cs')
> Are you using mapAccumR (mapAccumR? (!)) to share space among the space
> strings?
Sharing is a good idea! But mapAccumR has nothing to do with it, I
just used it to encode the recursion, as replacement for a fold so to
> If so, wouldn't this be better:
> tabstops = map (\col -> col `mod` tabwidth == 1) [1..tabwidth]
> tabspaces = cycle $ snd $ mapAccumR addspace [] tabstops
Yes. We can make the code even simpler :)
tabspaces = cycle . init . tails . replicate tabwidth $ ' '
and the tabstops list is gone.
> On the other hand, wouldn't this make for less head scratching:
> tabspaces = map (\col -> replicate (spacesFor col) ' ') [1..]
> where
> spacesFor col = tabwidth - ((col - 1) `mod` tabwidth)
Yes and no. The very idea of introducing the tabspaces list in the
first place is to avoid explicit indices altogether, a single zipWith
is responsible for aligning columns. So, it's only natural to avoid
indices for the definition of tabspaces , too.
A side effect of separating tabspaces from the main loop is that we
can do all kind of irregular tabstop spacing or different fill
characters and the like solely by changing this list.
>> main = interact $ unlines . map detabLine . lines
>> where
>> detabLine = concat $ zipWith replace tabspaces
> I think you mean "concat . zipWith...". (You're doing this from
> memory, aren't you?)
Yes and yes :)
>> replace cs '\t' = cs -- replace with adequate number of spaces
>> replace _ char = [char] -- pass through
>> How about that?
> It doesn't produce the same output, [...]
> It's counting tabs before expanding rather than after?
Yes, I noticed it too late, it's so wrong (>_<) :)
Here's a correct version:
perLine f = interact $ unlines . map f . lines
main = perLine (detabLine tabspaces)
detabLine _ [] = []
detabLine (w:ws) ('\t':cs) = detabLine (w:ws) (w ++ cs)
detabLine (w:ws) (c :cs) = c:detabLine ws cs
Or even
main = interact $ detab tabspaces
detab _ [] = []
detab _ ('\n':cs) = '\n':detab tabspaces cs
detab (w:ws) ('\t':cs) = detab (w:ws) (w ++ cs)
detab (_:ws) (c :cs) = c:detab ws cs
This can't be expressed with zip anymore since the alignment of the
list of spaces and the text changes when encountering a tab.
@dons: I guess that detab would probably be a very interesting (and
even useful) study example for generalizing stream fusion, since it's
more like concatMap than map .
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