[Haskell-cafe] eager/strict eval katas
Dan Weston
westondan at imageworks.com
Wed Dec 12 15:46:07 EST 2007
Thomas Hartman wrote:
> >Note that 1 + ··· + n = n * (n+1) / 2, so the average of [1..n] is
> (n+1) / 2
> fair enough.
> But I believe if I restate the problem so that you need to find the
> average of an arbitrary list, your clever trick doesn't work and we need
> eager eval or we blow the stack.
Not true:
Prelude Data.List> let f a = (\(a,b,c)->c) . head . dropWhile (\(s,n,_)
-> s <=n*a) . scanl (\(s,n,_) x ->(s+x,n+1,x)) (0,0,0) in f (10^5) [1,3..]
> Also... on second thought, I actually solved a slightly different
> problem than what I originally said: the problem of detecting when the
> moving average of an increasing list is greater than 10^6; but my
> solution doesn't give the index of the list element that bumped the list
> over the average. However I suspect my code could be tweaked to do that
> (still playing around with it):
> Also I actually used a strict scan not a strict fold and... ach, oh well.
scanl above is not strict in its second argument. The data dependencies
cause the strictness. Cf:
Prelude> head ([1,3] ++ head ((scanl undefined undefined) undefined))
> As you see I wrote a customized version of foldl' that is strict on the
> tuple for this to work. I don't think this is necessarily faster than
> what you did (haven't quite grokked your use of unfold), but it does
> have the nice property of doing everything in one one fold step (or one
> scan step I guess, but isn't a scan
> http://thomashartman-learning.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/haskell/lazy-n-strict/average.hs
You have
Prelude Control.Arrow Data.List>
let avg5 = uncurry (/) . foldl' (\(s,n) x -> (s + x,n + 1)) (0,0)
in avg5 [1..10000000]
*** Exception: stack overflow
-- This fails in 100 sec
Try this. It is not foldl' that needs to be strict, but the function folded:
Prelude Data.List> let avg5 = uncurry (/) . foldl' (\(!s,!n) x -> (s +
x,n + 1)) (0,0) in avg5 [1..10000000]
You will need -fbang-patterns for this (there are other ways to do this
in Haskell 98 though).
> t.
> t1 = average_greater_than (10^7) [1..]
> average_greater_than max xs = find (>max) $ averages xs
> averages = map fst . myscanl' lAccumAvg (0,0)
> average = fst . myfoldl' lAccumAvg (0,0)
> lAccumAvg (!avg,!n) r = ( (avg*n/n1) + (r/n1),(n1))
> where n1 = n+1
> myfoldl' f (!l,!r) [] = (l,r)
> myfoldl' f (!l,!r) (x:xs) = ( myfoldl' f q xs )
> where q = (l,r) `f` x
> myscanl f z [] = z : []
> myscanl f z (x:xs) = z : myscanl f (f z x) xs
> myscanl' f (!l,!r) [] = (l,r) : []
> myscanl' f (!l,!r) (x:xs) = (l,r) : myscanl' f q xs
> where q = (l,r) `f` x
> *"Felipe Lessa" <felipe.lessa at gmail.com>*
> 12/12/2007 02:24 PM
> To
> Thomas Hartman/ext/dbcom at DBAmericas
> cc
> haskell-cafe at haskell.org
> Subject
> Re: [Haskell-cafe] eager/strict eval katas
> On Dec 12, 2007 2:31 PM, Thomas Hartman <thomas.hartman at db.com> wrote:
> > exercise 2) find the first integer such that average of [1..n] is >
> [10^6]
> > (solution involves building an accum list of (average,listLength)
> tuples.
> > again you can't do a naive fold due to stack overflow, but in this
> case even
> > strict foldl' from data.list isn't "strict enough", I had to define
> my own
> > custom fold to be strict on the tuples.)
> What is wrong with
> Prelude> snd . head $ dropWhile ((< 10^6) . fst) [((n+1) / 2, n) | n <-
> [1..]]
> 1999999.0
> Note that 1 + ··· + n = n * (n+1) / 2, so the average of [1..n] is
> (n+1) / 2. The naive
> Prelude Data.List> let avg xs = foldl' (+) 0 xs / (fromIntegral $ length xs)
> Prelude Data.List> snd . head $ dropWhile ((< 10^6) . fst) [(avg
> [1..n], n) | n <- [1..]]
> works for me as well, only terribly slower (of course). Note that I
> used foldl' for sum assuming the exercise 1 was already done =). How
> did you solve this problem with a fold? I see you can use unfoldr:
> Prelude Data.List> last $ unfoldr (\(x,s,k) -> if s >= k then Nothing
> else Just (x, (x+1,s+x,k+10^6))) (2,1,10^6)
> I'm thinking about a way of folding [1..], but this can't be a left
> fold (or else it would never stop), nor can it be a right fold (or
> else we wouldn't get the sums already done). What am I missing?
> Cheers,
> --
> Felipe.
> ---
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