[Haskell-cafe] help
Daniel Fischer
daniel.is.fischer at web.de
Mon Dec 10 09:23:14 EST 2007
Am Montag, 10. Dezember 2007 14:45 schrieb Ryan Bloor:
> hi I am writing a basic Parser from scratch. So far I have functions;#
> removeSpaces# match - which checks if a string is a substring of another#
> orParser which combines two parser's abilities# Basic pasrers like...
> parseInt, parseTrue, parseFalse, parseBoolusing the orParser on True and
> False.What I want to do now is have a parseBinaryOp that
> recognises:parseBinaryOp "+" "(5 + 2) if" >>>gives>>
> [(EInt 5, EInt 2, "if")]So I think that I have to split the
> initial string into four parts."+" becomes op'(' becomes tokenF')' becomes
> tokenB"5" becomes e1"2" becomes e2parseBinaryOp :: String -> String ->
> [(Expr, Expr, String)]parseBinaryOp op str = let (tokenF,e1,op,e2,tokenB)
> =I am not sure how to go about separating the string for how I need itusing
> my other functiuons. Ryan
Keep it simpler. Write combinators
parseFirstThen :: Parser a -> Parser b -> Parser (a,b)
parseFirstThenWith :: (a -> b -> c) -> Parser a -> Parser b -> Parser c
applyToParse :: (a -> b) -> Parser a -> Parser b
(then you would find
parseFirstThenWith f p1 p2 === applyToParse (uncurry f) (parseFirstThen p1 p2)
applyToParse f p === parseFirstThenWith (const . f) p (succeed ())
where succeed x input = [(x,input)]
and compose your parser using these.
Better still, read
and the chapter on parsing in any tutorial/textbook, docs and sources for
parsing libraries, such as parsec.
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