[Haskell-cafe] do notation strangeness

Felipe Lessa felipe.lessa at gmail.com
Sat Dec 8 11:59:16 EST 2007


I see from http://www.haskell.org/haskellwiki/Monads_as_computation#Do_notation

do { v <- x ; <stmts> }
  = x >>= \v -> do { <stmts> }

However, look at this GHCi session:

Prelude> let return' = return :: a -> Maybe a
Prelude> do {1 <- return 1; return' "ok"}
Just "ok"
Prelude> return 1 >>= \1 -> return' "ok"
Just "ok"
Prelude> do {1 <- return 3; return' "ok"}
Prelude> return 3 >>= \1 -> return' "ok"
*** Exception: <interactive>:1:13-30: Non-exhaustive patterns in lambda

Hmmm... let's try with IO:

Prelude> let return' = return :: a -> IO a
Prelude> do {1 <- return 1; return' "ok"}
Prelude> return 1 >>= \1 -> return' "ok"
Prelude> do {1 <- return 3; return' "ok"}
*** Exception: user error (Pattern match failure in do expression at
Prelude> return 3 >>= \1 -> return' "ok"
*** Exception: <interactive>:1:13-30: Non-exhaustive patterns in lambda

Oh! What about lists?

Prelude> let return' = return :: a -> [a]
Prelude> do {1 <- return 1; return' "ok"}
Prelude> return 1 >>= \1 -> return' "ok"
Prelude> do {1 <- return 3; return' "ok"}
Prelude> return 3 >>= \1 -> return' "ok"
*** Exception: <interactive>:1:13-30: Non-exhaustive patterns in lambda

Something seems wrong to me here. What am I missing?



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