[Haskell-cafe] Why is this strict in its arguments?

Stefan O'Rear stefanor at cox.net
Tue Dec 4 17:08:31 EST 2007

On Tue, Dec 04, 2007 at 09:41:36PM +0000, Paulo J. Matos wrote:
> Hello all,
> As you might have possibly read in some previous blog posts:
> http://users.ecs.soton.ac.uk/pocm06r/fpsig/?p=10
> http://users.ecs.soton.ac.uk/pocm06r/fpsig/?p=11
> we (the FPSIG group) defined:
> data BTree a = Leaf a
>                    | Branch (BTree a) a (BTree a)
> and a function that returns a list of all the paths (which are lists
> of node values) where each path element makes the predicate true.
> findAllPath :: (a -> Bool) -> (BTree a) -> Maybe [[a]]
> findAllPath pred (Leaf l) | pred l = Just [[l]]
>                           | otherwise = Nothing
> findAllPath pred (Branch lf r rt) | pred r = let lfpaths = findAllPath pred lf
>                                                  rtpaths = findAllPath pred rt
>                                              in
>                                                if isNothing lfpaths &&
> isNothing rtpaths
>                                                then Nothing
>                                                else
>                                                    if isNothing lfpaths
>                                                    then Just (map (r:)
> $ fromJust rtpaths)
>                                                    else
>                                                        if isNothing rtpaths
>                                                        then Just (map
> (r:) $ fromJust lfpaths)
>                                                        else Just (map
> (r:) $ fromJust rtpaths ++ fromJust lfpaths)
>                                   | otherwise = Nothing
> Later on we noticed that this could be simply written as:
> findAllPath :: (a -> Bool) -> (BTree a) -> [[a]]
>       findAllPath pred = g where
>           g (Leaf l) | pred l = [[l]]
>           g (Branch lf r rt) | pred r = map (r:) $ (findAllPath pred
> lf) ++ (findAllPath pred rt)
>           g _  = []
> without even using maybe. However, 2 questions remained:
> 1 - why is the first version strict in its arguments?

Because of the definition of strictness.  A function is strict iff f
undefined = undefined.

findAllPath pred undefined -> undefined because of the case analysis
findAllPath undefined (Leaf _) -> undefined because pred is applied in
                                  the guard
findAllPath undefined Branch{} -> undefined because pred is applied in
                                  the guard

> 2 - if it really is strict in its arguments, is there any automated
> way to know when a function is strict in its arguments?

No, because this is in general equivalent to the halting problem:

f _ = head [ i | i <- [1,3.], i == sum [ k | k <- [1..i-1], i `mod` k == 0 ] ]

f is strict iff there do not exist odd perfect numbers.

However, fairly good conservative approximations exist, for instance in
the GHC optimizer - compile your code with -ddump-simpl to see (among
other things) a dump of the strictness properties determined.  (use -O,
of course)

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