[Haskell-cafe] ANN: atom 2007.12

Alex Jacobson alex at alexjacobson.com
Mon Dec 3 16:20:24 EST 2007

This sounds like a really interesting piece of software.  That being 
another significant use for the name Atom these days is as an identifier 
for a feed format.


You may find it easier to advertise and romote this project with a more 
unique name.


Tom Hawkins wrote:
> Hello,
> Atom is a language embedded in Haskell for describing reactive
> software, primarily for realtime control applications.  Based on
> conditional term rewriting, an atom
> description is composed of a set of state transition rules.  The name
> "atom" comes from the atomic behavior of rules: if a rule is selected
> to fire, all its transitions occur or none at all.  A hallmark of the
> language, rule atomicity greatly simplifies design reasoning.
> This release of atom is a major redirection.  Atom is no longer a
> hardware description language (I changed jobs.  I'm now in software.).
>  Much of the frontend language and backend generators have changed,
> though rule scheduling remains nearly the same.  On the frontend,
> atom's Signal datatypes have been replaced with Terms and Vars, which
> leverage Haskell's GADTs.  The 4 supported Term and Var types include
> Bool, Int, Float, and Double.  At the backend, atom generates C and
> Simulink models.  The Verilog and VHDL generators have been dropped,
> but they may reappear in the future.
> Enjoy!
> http://funhdl.org/
> darcs get http://funhdl.org/darcs/atom
> -Tom
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