[Haskell-cafe] happs on ghc 6.7 won't work because of dependency on Data.Binary (everything that depends on Data.Binary broken at present) ( unknown symbol `stg_uncheckedShiftRL64' )

Thomas Hartman thomas.hartman at db.com
Thu Aug 30 17:37:10 EDT 2007

happs on ghc 6.7 won't work because of dependency on Data.Binary, since 
everything that depends on Data.Binary is broken at present.

This is for Data.Binary installed via cabal from darcs get --partial 
http://darcs.haskell.org/binary . Cabal installed without any errors, but 
perhaps there should have been one since it appears broke.

So I think my project of using the ghc debugger to help understand happs 
is on ice until this gets resolved.

Unless this has been fixed since August 16. (Anyone out there got a more 
recent version?)

$ cat UseDataBinary.hs
import Data.Binary

main = putStrLn "hello world"

$ /usr/local/bin/ghc-6.6.1 -e 'main' UseDataBinary.hs
hello world

$ /usr/local/bin/ghc-6.7.20070816 -e 'main' UseDataBinary.hs
<interactive>: /usr/local/lib/binary-0.3/ghc-6.7.20070816/HSbinary-0.3.o: 
unknown symbol `stg_uncheckedShiftRL64'
ghc-6.7.20070816: unable to load package `binary-0.3'

$ /usr/local/bin/ghc-6.7.20070816 -e '' UseDataBinary.hs


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