[Haskell-cafe] Bug in Gtk2HS 0.9.12/SOE on WinXP? Or is it just me?

Malte Milatz malte at gmx-topmail.de
Fri Aug 24 05:58:17 EDT 2007

Peter Verswyvelen <bf3 at telenet.be>:
> However, in the code below the blue and green triangle should render on top of each other, but the green triangle is rendered incorrectly.
> Being a newbie, I hesitate to file a bug report... Can anyone reproduce this? Maybe it works fine on unix?

I can reproduce this with 0.9.12.

$ uname -srmo
Linux 2.6.20-16-generic i686 GNU/Linux

I'm quoting your program below because I'll Cc this to the gtk2hs-users

> module Main where
> import Graphics.SOE.Gtk
> shape = [(200,100), (200,200), (100,200), (200,100)]
> main = runGraphics $ do
>          w <- openWindow "Buggy polgon fill?" (300,300)
>          setGraphic w $ (withColor Red $ polyline shape) `overGraphic` (withColor Green $ drawRegion $ createPolygon shape)
>          drawInWindow w $ (withColor Red $ polyline shape) `overGraphic` (withColor Blue $ polygon shape)
>          waitForClose w
> 	 closeWindow w
> waitForClose w = do
>   e <- getWindowEvent w
>   case e of 
>     Closed -> return ()
>     otherwise -> waitForClose w

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