[Haskell-cafe] Style

Mirko Rahn rahn at ira.uka.de
Fri Aug 24 05:04:09 EDT 2007

> tm = sum . takeWhile(>0) . iterate f . f
>    where f = flip div 5

Quite nice. I like

tm5 0 = 0
tm5 n = let q = div n 5 in q + tm5 q

This version corresponds to what I'm think when parsing |tm|, so I wrote 
it down directly.

Also possible

tm6 = sum . unfoldr ( \ n -> case div n 5 of
                                   0 -> mzero
                                   q -> return (q,q)

I tend to not use |iterate|, when it is known in advance, which prefix 
of the so constructed infinite list is used.


-- Mirko Rahn -- Tel +49-721 608 7504 --
--- http://liinwww.ira.uka.de/~rahn/ ---

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