[Haskell-cafe] help understanding lazy evaluation
Malte Milatz
malte at gmx-topmail.de
Thu Aug 23 04:49:19 EDT 2007
Stefan O'Rear wrote:
> As is usual for mathematical things, there are many equivalent
> definitions. My two favorites are:
> 1. Normal order reduction
> In the λ-calculus, lazy evaluation can be defined as the (unique up to
> always giving the same answer) evaluation method, which, if *any*
> evaluation order would finish, works. This is a rather subtle theorem,
> not a trivial definition, so it could be hard to use.
Hudak in his HSoE book gives a less precise, but more concrete
definition of normal-order reduction (shamelessly quoted here): “If a
rule or rules can be applied to more than one position in an expression,
use the rule corresponding to the *outermost* position in the
Bulat Ziganshin wrote elsewhere:
> simple example: consider evaluation of "head [1..]".
With the rule above, we have:
head [1..]
{- We cannot apply the definition of head yet, because
the first element of the list ist not visible, so we
apply the definition of [..] -}
= head (1 : [(succ 1)..])
{- Now we could apply either the definition of succ 1,
or [..], or head. But head is the outermost, so: -}
= 1.
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