[Haskell-cafe] Re: Using Collections: ElemsView and KeysView
Benjamin Franksen
benjamin.franksen at bessy.de
Wed Aug 22 20:53:23 EDT 2007
Jean-Philippe Bernardy wrote:
> foldr on ElemsView is defined as such:
>> foldr f i (ElemsView c) = foldr (f . snd) i c
> so, for example:
>> getElementList = toList . ElemViews
Ok, thanks, this helps. I had forgot to look at the instances.
> When I designed this code (some years ago), I didn't like the "fold" of
Map to
> have the type:
>> fold :: (a -> b -> b) -> b -> Map k a -> b
> This just doesn't make sense if we see maps as a collection of (key,
> pairs. (Indeed, toList :: Map k a -> [(k, a)])
> In order to be consistent, but to provide an easy way to migrate to the
> collection classes I was designing, I provided the ElemViews/KeyViews to
> "switch" to the former behaviour on a case by case basis.
I understand the motivation. Could you say something about the functions
withElems and withKeys? Their types contain a mysterious type
constructor 'T' that is not documented in the haddock docs. The source file
says 'type T a = a->a' so I guess this is for cases where I want to 'lift'
a function mapping e.g. keys to keys to a fucntion on Maps?
> This also allows for definining optimized versions of foldr, etc. for each
> that supports "Views", but this was tedious, so I never did it. GHC "RULE"
> pragma is probably better suited to the purpose anyway.
> As for the lack of documentation, everyone is very welcome to
contribute ;)
I'd love to, but my understanding is still somewhat limited...
Cheers (and thanks)
P.S. The collections framework is great, but the type errors one sometimes
gets are horrible. When I started to see whether I had understood what you
wrote above I got:
Couldn't match expected type `c' (a rigid variable)
against inferred type `Str'
`c' is bound by the type signature for `macros'
at MacroSubst.hs:13:24
Expected type: (Str, c)
Inferred type: (Str, Str)
When using functional dependencies to combine
Foldable (Data.Map.Map k a) (k, a),
arising from the instance declaration at Defined in Data.Collections
Foldable (Data.Map.Map Str Str) (Str, c),
arising from use of `unions' at Gadgets.hs:95:13-30
When trying to generalise the type inferred for `macros'
Signature type: forall c1.
(Collection c1 String, Set c1 String) =>
Attributes -> c1
Type to generalise: forall c1.
(Collection c1 String, Set c1 String) =>
Attributes -> c1
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