[Haskell-cafe] monte carlo trouble
Thomas Hartman
thomas.hartman at db.com
Wed Aug 15 15:13:53 EDT 2007
>> I've seen PFP, but I don't see where that would help here. I'd still
end up with an enormous list of tuples.
I'm not sure I understand what you need, but did you read the bits about
replacing a "pure" state expansion (all the possibile states) with an
approximation using random/io ? the approximation of course used much less
resources (orders of orders of magnitude :) ) , the more time the random
process had to evolve the better the approximation matched the "pure"
calculation. very wonderful.
"Chad Scherrer" <chad.scherrer at gmail.com>
08/15/2007 03:05 PM
"Paul Johnson" <paul at cogito.org.uk>, Thomas Hartman/ext/dbcom at DBAmericas
haskell-cafe at haskell.org
Re: [Haskell-cafe] monte carlo trouble
Thanks for your replies.
I actually starting out returning a single element instead. But a
given lookup might return [], and the only way I could think of to
handle it in (State StdGen a) would be to fail in the monad. But
that's not really the effect I want - I'd rather have it ignore that
element. Another option was to wrap with Maybe, but then since I
really want a sequence of them anyway, I decided to just wrap in a
List instead. Is there a way Maybe would work out better?
I've seen PFP, but I don't see where that would help here. I'd still
end up with an enormous list of tuples. This could be generated
lazily, but sampling with replacement (yes I want this, not a shuffle)
would require forcing the whole list anyway, wouldn't it? Using my
approach, even asking ghci for the length of the list ran for 30+
If there's a way to lazily sample with replacement from a list without
even requiring the length of the list to be known in advance, that
could lead to a solution.
On 8/15/07, Paul Johnson <paul at cogito.org.uk> wrote:
> Chad Scherrer wrote:
> > There's a problem I've been struggling with for a long time...
> >
> > I need to build a function
> > buildSample :: [A] -> State StdGen [(A,B,C)]
> >
> > given lookup functions
> > f :: A -> [B]
> > g :: A -> [C]
> >
> > The idea is to first draw randomly form the [A], then apply each
> > lookup function and draw randomly from the result of each.
> >
> I don't understand why this returns a list of triples instead of a
> single triple. Your description below seems to imply the latter.
> You should probably look at the "Gen" monad in Test.QuickCheck, which is
> basically a nice implementation of what you are doing with "State
> StdGen" below. Its "elements" function gets a single random element,
> and you can combine it with replicateM to get a list of defined length.
> (BTW, are you sure want multiple random samples rather than a shuffle?
> A shuffle has each element exactly once whereas multiple random samples
> can pick any element an arbitrary number of times. I ask because
> shuffles are a more common requirement. For the code below I'll assume
> you meant what you said.)
> Using Test.QuickCheck I think you want something like this (which I have
> not tested):
> buildSample :: [A] -> Gen (A,B,C)
> buildSample xs = do
> x <- elements xs
> f1 <- elements $ f x
> g1 <- elements $ g x
> return
> If you want n such samples then I would suggest
> samples <- replicateM n $ buildSample xs
> > It's actually slightly more complicated than this, since for the real
> > problem I start with type [[A]], and want to map buildSample over
> > these, and sample from the results.
> >
> > There seem to be so many ways to deal with random numbers in Haskell.
> >
> Indeed.
> > After some false starts, I ended up doing something like
> >
> > sample :: [a] -> State StdGen [a]
> > sample [] = return []
> > sample xs = do
> > g <- get
> > let (g', g'') = split g
> > bds = (1, length xs)
> > xArr = listArray bds xs
> > put g''
> > return . map (xArr !) $ randomRs bds g'
> >
> Not bad, although you could instead have a sample function that returns
> a single element and then use replicateM to get a list.
> > buildSample xs = sample $ do
> > x <- xs
> > y <- f x
> > z <- g x
> > return (x,y,z)
> >
> > This is really bad, since it builds a huge array of all the
> > possibilities and then draws from that. Memory is way leaky right now.
> > I'd like to be able to just have it apply the lookup functions as
> > needed.
> >
> > Also, I'm still using GHC 6.6, so I don't have
> > Control.Monad.State.Strict. Not sure how much difference this makes,
> > but I guess I could just copy the source for that module if I need to.
> >
> Strictness won't help. In fact you would be better with laziness if
> that were possible (which it isn't here). The entire array has to be
> constructed before you can look up any elements in it. That forces the
> entire computation. But compare your implementation of buildSample to
> mine.
> Paul.
Chad Scherrer
"Time flies like an arrow; fruit flies like a banana" -- Groucho Marx
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