[Haskell-cafe] Bathroom reading

Brent Yorgey byorgey at gmail.com
Tue Aug 14 14:38:17 EDT 2007

On 8/14/07, Dougal Stanton <ithika at gmail.com> wrote:
> On 14/08/07, Brent Yorgey <byorgey at gmail.com> wrote:
> > Clearly, we need to actually put together such a book!  I'm imagining
> > something where you have two mostly blank facing pages, with the code by
> > itself in the middle of the right page; then the next 2-4 pages devoted
> to a
> > short discussion of the code, how it works, related issues and
> techniques,
> > and a list of references.  All featuring beautiful typography and
> fantastic
> > writing, of course. =)
> Oh indeed! This wasn't *completely* idle chatter on my part. I used to
> work in a print shop and we did a lot of work for art and architecture
> students who would do this kind of thing all the time. Fantastic
> little notebook-style gifts of images and blank pages and elegant
> typography. It's just a shame so many of them were terrible at
> spelling! :-P
> It shouldn't be too difficult to use LaTeX to this end. Once a
> document class has been hammered out you can offer a range of
> different booklets! The "Evolution of a Haskell Programmer" series
> would be a good place to start. Bring it to your next job interview to
> whip out when someone points to that bit on your CV and says, "what's
> that?".
> Any skilled TeXers in the house?
> D.

Well, it wasn't completely idle chatter on my part, either! =)   After
spending the past year writing (and typesetting) a mathematics book in my
spare time, I would consider myself an intermediate to advanced user of
LaTeX, although I know much less about TeX itself than I would like
(although I do intend to learn).  Unfortunately, what with applying to grad
school and other things, it probably wouldn't be wise for me to spearhead
such a project at the moment, although I'd be excited about contributing.
But I very well might pick it up at a later date if no one decides to run
with it right now.

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