[Haskell-cafe] how can I get template haskell macro-expanded code from inferStartState? (repeated post, now with subject)

Thomas Hartman thomas.hartman at db.com
Thu Aug 9 12:23:35 EDT 2007

(sorry, forgot the subject on my first post)

In the following code which uses template haskell, how can I get back the 
macro-expanded code generated from 

$(inferStartState ''MyState) 

I *can* recover the macro-expanded code for 

$(cnst 1 "x") 

using a debugging technique bulat describes on his tutorial at 

You can see what's going on in the function debugTemplates below. 

I'm trying to do this actually, to better understand how HAppS deals with 
state. It's a bit opaque now since the example on the tutorial uses TH. I 
think I would understand it better if I had code that didn't depend on TH. 

(MyState is from the happs tutorial at 
http://www.haskell.org/haskellwiki/HAppS_tutorial ) 



{-# OPTIONS -fglasgow-exts -fth  #-} 
module MyState where 
import HAppS 
import HAppS.Protocols.SimpleHTTP2 
import Data.Monoid 
import Data.Typeable 
import Control.Monad.State (get, put) 

import Language.Haskell.TH 
import Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax 
data MyState = MySt { appVal :: Int } deriving (Read, Show, Typeable) 
instance Serialize MyState where 
  encodeStringM = defaultEncodeStringM 
  decodeStringM = defaultDecodeStringM 
instance Monoid MyState where 
  mempty = MySt 0 
  mappend (MySt x) (MySt y) = MySt (x+y) 
-- in ghci...  -fth, :m + 

-- ghci... :t (inferStartState ''MyState) :: (Quasi m) => m [Dec] 
$(inferStartState ''MyState) -- boilerplate that will eventually be SYB 

-- ghci... :t cnst 1 "x" :: (Monad m) => m Exp 
cnst n s = return (LamE (replicate n WildP) (LitE (StringL s))) 

dumpSplice splice = runQ splice >>= putStrLn . pprint 
debugTemplates = do dumpSplice (cnst 1 "x") 
                    dumpSplice (inferStartState ''MyState) 

*MyState> debugTemplates 
\_ -> "x" 
Template Haskell error: Can't do `reify' in the IO monad 
*** Exception: user error (Template Haskell failure) 


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