[Haskell-cafe] Type classes: Missing language feature?
polyomino at f2s.com
Tue Aug 7 08:58:17 EDT 2007
Hi, there's something I'm trying to do with type classes that seems to fit very
naturally with my mental model of type classes, but doesn't seem to be
supported by the language. I'm wondering whether I'm missing something, or
whether there's some language extension that could help me or alternative way
of achieving what I'm trying to achieve.
I'm trying to define multivariate polynomials, which are sums of monomials -
for example x^2y + z^4. In algorithms on multivariate polynomials, one
typically wants to support different monomial orders. For example, the lex
order is dictionary order - xxy < xy < y < yyy - whereas the graded lex (glex)
order also takes into account the degree of the monomials - y < xy < xxy < yyy.
Here's some code (based on http://sigfpe.blogspot.com/2007/07/ill-have-
import Data.Map as M
import Data.List as L
newtype Monomial = Monomial (Map String Int) deriving (Eq)
x = Monomial $ singleton "x" 1
y = Monomial $ singleton "y" 1
instance Show Monomial where
show (Monomial a) = concatMap (\(v,i)-> v ++ "^" ++ show i) $ toList a --
simplified for brevity
instance Num Monomial where
Monomial a * Monomial b = Monomial $ unionWith (+) a b
newtype Lex = Lex Monomial deriving (Eq)
newtype Glex = Glex Monomial deriving (Eq)
instance Ord Lex where
Lex (Monomial m) <= Lex (Monomial m') = toList m <= toList m'
instance Ord Glex where
Glex (Monomial m) <= Glex (Monomial m') = (sum $ elems m, toList m) <= (sum
$ elems m', toList m')
Now, what I'd like to do is have Lex and Glex, and any further monomial
orderings I define later, automatically derive Show and Num instances from
Monomial (because it seems like boilerplate to have to define Show and Num
instances by hand). Something like the following (not valid Haskell):
class OrdMonomial m where
fromRaw :: Monomial -> m
toRaw :: m -> Monomial
instance OrdMonomial Lex where
fromRaw m = Lex m
toRaw (Lex m) = m
instance OrdMonomial Glex where
fromRaw m = Glex m
toRaw (Glex m) = m
derive OrdMonomial m => Show m where
show m = show (toRaw m)
derive OrdMonomial m => Num m where
m * m' = fromRaw (toRaw m * toRaw m')
Is there a way to do what I'm trying to do? (Preferably without resorting to
template Haskell, etc) - It seems like a natural thing to want to do.
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