[Haskell-cafe] Re: Re: Re: monad subexpressions
Neil Mitchell
ndmitchell at gmail.com
Fri Aug 3 16:42:41 EDT 2007
> > let x = 12
> > let x = (<- x)
> Okay, so the desugaring process wouldn't terminate in that case! One
> could either: (a) try to retain the equivalence in theory, but make it
> illegal to use x in a monadic subexpression when defining x; (b) we
> could abandon my claim that they are equivalent.
This example isn't intended to be about termination of the desugaring,
or about types etc - the only point is to note the change in the
lexical scoping rules that (<-) gives. I'll try and state my concern
more clearly:
let x = a
In this expression, x is available for use within a, since let is
recursive. This allows us to write:
let xs = "paws" : xs
With the end result that xs is bound to ["paws","paws","paws","paws"...
Now consider:
let x = (<- a)
With the proposed desugaring we obtain:
temp <- a
let x = temp
Now x is NOT in scope within the expression a! We have changed the
static lexical scoping, and only within the brackets. This behaviour
is (in my opinion) horrid. A quick poll of people in my office lead us
all to believe that this issue means you should not be allowed (<-)
within a do's let statement.
This leads us to a second problem, floating these monadic expressions
outside any binding:
do case x of
[] -> return 1
(y:ys) -> f (<- g y)
Here, the proposed desugaring does not work, since y is not in scope
where we move the element to.
Perhaps this leads to the conclusion that monadic subexpressions
should not be allowed inside any binding group, including let, case or
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