[Haskell-cafe] Re: HDBC or HSQL

Alex Jacobson alex at alexjacobson.com
Wed Aug 1 00:34:23 EDT 2007

Out of curiosity, can I ask what you are actually trying to do?

I am asking because I am trying to make HAppS a reasonable replacement 
for all contexts in which you would otherwise use an external relational 
database except those in which an external SQL database is a specific 


Isto Aho wrote:
> Hi,
> I was also wandering between these different db-libs and thanks for your 
> information.
> I tried several (HDBC, HSQL, HaskellDB) and made only small trials.
> HaskellDB has quite many examples on wiki that gave a quick start to 
> further trials.
> But, I wasn't able to tell that some of the fields have default values 
> and then it
> was already time to move on to the HSQL and HDBC trials.
> Is it possible to use sql-array-types with HDBC with postgresql? I don't 
> remember was this the
> reason why I eventually tried HSQL - anyhow, it was rather difficult to 
> get started with HDBC
> but the src test cases helped here. One example in a wiki would do 
> miracles :)
> HSQL didn't have the array-types but it took only couple of hours to add 
> "a sort of" support
> for those. There are some problems though... (indexed table queries 
> returning some nulls
> is not yet working and ghci seems to be allergic to this)  I was even 
> wondering, should I propose
> a patch in some near future for this.
> But if HDBC can handle those sql-arrays or if you can give a couple of 
> hints, how to proceed
> in order to add them there, given your view below, I'd be willing to try 
> to help / to try to use HDBC.
> br,
> Isto
> 2007/7/30, John Goerzen <jgoerzen at complete.org 
> <mailto:jgoerzen at complete.org>>:
>     On 2007-07-25, George Moschovitis <george.moschovitis at gmail.com
>     <mailto:george.moschovitis at gmail.com>> wrote:
>      > I am a Haskell newbie and I would like to hear your suggestions
>     regarding a
>      > Database conectivity library:
>      >
>      > HSQL or HDBC ?
>      >
>      > which one is better / more actively supported?
>     I am the author of HDBC, so take this for what you will.
>     There were several things that bugged me about HSQL, if memory serves:
>     1) It segfaulted periodically, at least with PostgreSQL
>     2) It had memory leaks
>     3) It couldn't read the result set incrementally.  That means that if
>     you have a 2GB result set, you better have 8GB of RAM to hold it.
>     4) It couldn't reference colums in the result set by position, only by
>     name
>     5) It didn't support pre-compiled queries (replacable parameters)
>     6) Its transaction handling didn't permit enough flexibility
>     I initially looked at fixing HSQL, but decided it would be easier to
>     actually write my own interface from scratch.
>     HDBC is patterned loosely after Perl's DBI, with a few thoughts from
>     Java's JDBC, Python's DB-API, and HSQL mixed in.
>     I believe it has fixed all of the above issues.  The HDBC backends that
>     I've written (Sqlite3, PostgreSQL, and ODBC) all use Haskell's C memory
>     management tools, which *should* ensure that there is no memory
>     leakage.
>     I use it for production purposes in various applications at work,
>     connecting to both Free and proprietary databases.  I also use it in my
>     personal projects.  hpodder, for instance, stores podcast
>     information in
>     a Sqlite3 database accessed via HDBC.  I have found HDBC+Sqlite3 to be a
>     particularly potent combination for a number of smaller projects.
>     http://software.complete.org/hdbc/wiki/HdbcUsers
>     <http://software.complete.org/hdbc/wiki/HdbcUsers> has a list of some
>     programs that are known to use HDBC.  Feel free to add yours to it.
>     -- John
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> -- 
> br,
> Isto
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